Eric Schmidt
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What Role Will Google’s Eric Schmidt Play in Election 2024?

At the end of the day, no matter which corporate party Americans vote for, a Bilderberg-backed candidate will be in the White House. In early August, Reid Hoffman, a technology investor and billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, called for Silicon Valley to “get behind” U.S. Vice President and current Democratic Party Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris. “In Read More…

Top News Derrick Broze Government Politics Social Engineering Technology

Google’s Eric Schmidt & The Artificial Intelligence Military-Industrial Complex

The simple fact that the AI Commission is led by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt should trouble those who care for privacy, accountability, transparency, and individual liberty. In late January, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), or the AI Commission, released a draft of their upcoming report to Congress, rejecting calls to ban Read More…