Today, August 15, 2016 the California Assembly voted 66-8 to pass a bill that not only bolsters restrictions on state officials from seizing property without due process, but throws a wrench into federal efforts to do the same. Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) introduced Senate Bill 443 (SB443) last year. The legislation sets additional restrictions on Read More…
Tag: Policing for profit
DEA Caught Spying On Innocent Travelers To Steal Hundreds Of Millions — And It’s 100% “Legal”
An intensely troubling report proves the DEA pilfers millions in cash from travelers with little, if any, evidence they committed even minor crimes — and virtually never return any of the money, even if charges are never levied. Worse, simply purchasing a one-way ticket — or even flying to California — constitutes sufficient reason for Read More…
Nebraska Law Ends “Policing For Profit” Via Asset Forfeiture
Today, civil asset forfeiture officially ends in Nebraska as reforms to asset forfeiture laws passed in the spring go into effect. Under the new law, the state can no longer take property without a criminal conviction. The legislation also takes on federal forfeiture programs by banning prosecutors from circumventing state laws by passing cases off Read More…