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Policing For Profit: The Illegal Seizure Of Marijuana Assets

“Between 1989 and 2010 an estimated 12.6 billion dollars was seized by US attorneys in asset forfeiture cases, the growth rate of seizures during that time was nearly a 20% increase every single year.” – Ed Burns, Former Homicide & Narcotics Police Detective Many would find it hard to believe that despite the ever-growing percentage Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Government Police State Politics

The Feds Just Expanded Civil Asset Forfeiture ‘Laws’ Nationwide

When you’re a government agency, asking for a tax increase is always a hassle. As Ryan McMaken notes, for the most part, taxpayers don’t like taxes, and if asked if they want to pay more, they’re likely to often say “no.” Moreover, when public officials pass tax increases, they may face the wrath of taxpayers at Read More…

Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Marijuana Movement Police State Top News

Step Inside a Real SWAT Team Pot Raid — See if You Can Tell Who the ‘Bad Guys’ Are

Mansfield, OH — If a dozen men armed with assault rifles drove up to your house, smashed out your doors and windows, ransacked your belongings, and robbed you of your hard-earned money — this story would undoubtedly be on news channels across the country. People would quickly arm themselves and groups would form to protect Read More…

civil asset forfeiture
Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Marijuana Movement Police State Top News

Cops Seize Innocent Family’s Life Savings Using Civil Asset Forfeiture Racket

A California family is the latest victim of the government racket known as civil asset forfeiture, and theirs is a particularly disturbing case. Civil asset forfeiture is a nasty legal loophole that allows government thugs to steal your property without charging you with a crime. They can seize your cash, car, bank accounts, jewelry – Read More…

Domestic Policy Constitutional Rights Expand Your Mind... Featured Police State Ryan Cristian Social Change Top News

California Passes Law to Hedge Rampant Abuse of Legalized Armed Robbery, Otherwise Known as Asset Forfeiture

For those who have not yet heard of the overtly unconstitutional, yet legal practice of civil asset forfeiture, it might be difficult to believe that any public official charged with the safety and protection of the average citizen, would, or could carry out what amounts to no more than armed robbery with a badge. Yet sadly, Read More…

Police State Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Top News

Since DoJ Forced Ferguson Cops to Stop Preying on the Poor, the City is Going Broke

After the death of Mike Brown in 2014, the city of Ferguson and its law enforcement were placed under a national microscope. The predatory nature of the department was exposed and was eventually reined in. However, now that they can’t police for profit, the Ferguson police department is going broke. Prior to the death of Read More…