Responsible for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the pesticides that are sprayed on them, Monsanto is on the tips of everyone’s tongues lately. Health conscious individuals are doing everything they can to boycott this company and support others instead, even if that means opting for much pricier organic produce. There are a number of reasons for Read More…
Tag: Pesticides
How Monsanto & Bayer Are Trying To Take Over The Cannabis Industry
Responsible for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the pesticides that are sprayed on them, Monsanto is on the tips of everyone’s tongues lately. Health conscious individuals are doing everything they can to boycott this company and support others instead, even if that means opting for much pricier organic produce. There are a number of reasons for Read More…
Monsanto’s Glyphosate Linked To Major Ocean And Coral Reefs Die-offs
Monsanto’s glyphosate, aka Roundup, is the most heavily used agricultural chemical in history, with some 3.5 billion plus gallons of the herbicide being used in the Unites States alone since its introduction in 1974. Worldwide use of glyphosate is rising fast, in spite of very legitimate concerns that the chemical is causing widespread health problems Read More…
Millions Of Bees Dead After South Carolina Aerial Zika Spraying Despite Toxicity Knowledge
“Nuked” bees. A little known aerial, pesticide spraying campaign in South Carolina led to a devastating instant mass bee death… Zika virus hysteria has now reached untold heights. First it was the morbid but questionable association with microcephaly, the strange timing of releasing genetically engineered mosquitoes, vaccine development at break-neck speed, and officials going door-to-door Read More…
Monsanto’s New Glyphosate Replacment Is Killing Neighbors’ Crops — No Action Taken By The EPA
Now that glyphosate has been denounced by the World Health Organization, there’s a new spray in town from our friendly neighborhood purveyor of poison, Monsanto. It hasn’t yet been approved, but given the history of blatant collusion between Monsanto and the government, there’s little doubt that it will be. But there’s a bit of a Read More…
First Long-term Study Confirms World’s Most Popular Pesticide is Wiping Bees Off the Planet
The rise of industrial agriculture — led by companies such as Monsanto that push monoculture, chemical-based farming and patented life forms — has brought a flood of pesticides that wreak havoc on natural ecosystems. Insects and animals that eat insects fall victim to the millions of gallons of pesticides dumped on cropland, which run off Read More…