The first two pharmaceutical antidepressants were clinically introduced in the 1950’s, and the conditions they were supposed to treat would have at that time been found in about 50 to 100 persons per million. Today, some 13% of Americans now take antidepressants daily, even though we don’t yet understand the long-term effects of most psychotropic drugs. Read More…
Alex Pietrowski
Seven Years Later Fukushima Radiation Levels Spiking To Lethal Levels
Some seven years after the disaster at Fukushima, there is a new crisis at Fukushima, and TEPCO, the energy company responsible for the failed nuclear plant, has issued a statement warning of lethal levels of radiation now detected at the plant. TEPCO reportedly made this discovery last month in a reactor containment vessel, signaling that Read More…
Proof Surfaces Insurance Co Pays Massive Bonuses To Doctors For Vaccinating Babies
Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. This means that for every 100 vaccinated patients, the doctor gets a $40,000 bonus! Read More…
Canadian Study Gives More Evidence Cancer Is A Lifestyle Disease Largely Caused By Food
Shockingly, worldwide cancer rates are predicted to rise even further, and that by the year 2020, 1-in-2 women and 1-in-3 men will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. It is so common already, in fact, that it getting cancer is more common than getting married or having a first baby. The cancer industrial complex is negligent in warning people Read More…
Chemotherapy Can Spread Cancer And Trigger More Aggressive Tumors, Research Says
The world spent over $100 billion a year on cancer drugs in 2015, a year in which the world’s highest paid CEO made his killing from cancer patients. Much of this is spent on chemotherapy, which is well-known to weaken patients, sacrifice their immune systems and make them susceptible to co-infections, diseases and other complications. In addition Read More…
Monsanto’s Glyphosate Linked To Major Ocean And Coral Reefs Die-offs
Monsanto’s glyphosate, aka Roundup, is the most heavily used agricultural chemical in history, with some 3.5 billion plus gallons of the herbicide being used in the Unites States alone since its introduction in 1974. Worldwide use of glyphosate is rising fast, in spite of very legitimate concerns that the chemical is causing widespread health problems Read More…