A somewhat recently declassified CIA memo unearthed by the FOIA collective MuckRock shows that in the midst of the historic Church Committee hearings which attempted to bring various shocking and illegal US intelligence practices and operations to public light, the National Security Council considered the move for strong Congressional oversight a “personal holocaust” that could result in Americans losing Read More…
Tag: Operation Mockingbird
50 Facts Illustrating Mainstream Media’s Relationship With The US Government
James F. Tracy is a PhD from the University of Iowa. A former professor of communications at Boca Raton, Florida Atlantic University. He is one of many critical thinkers within the world of academia, and as result of presenting the following information that might spark some cognitive dissonance, he has been singled out due to Read More…
Viral Video Exposes News Stations Across US Pumping Exact Same Scripted Fear Into Viewers
Videos that show the striking similarities between the scripts used by local TV anchors and reporters are nothing new, but a recent compilation has taken the Internet by storm as it shows dozens of news stations coming together to warn about the dangers of “fake news” with an eerily identical script. The video started with Read More…
Document Surfaces Showing CIA’s Plans To Infiltrate Academia & Change University/College Curriculum
There’s no doubt about it: three letter agencies like the NSA, FBI and CIA and the ones we don’t yet know about have some great people who want nothing but the best for their fellow human beings. People join these agencies because they have good hearts, and want to see the world thrive in a Read More…
Operation Mockingbird On Steroids—CGI Allows Mainstream Media to Make ‘Fake News’ in Real Time
It is already legal for the mainstream media to broadcast “fake news” propaganda for the US government—how will that increase with advancements in artificial intelligence technology? (TFTP) Advancements in artificial intelligence and computer-generated imagery are creating new concerns about what the definition of “fake news” could become once mainstream media outlets get ahold of the Read More…
Noam Chomsky’s 5 Filters Of The Mass Media Machine Summarized In An Incredible Animation
Corporations are more than willing to pay a lot of money to control the voice of the media, and news stations happily oblige because their pockets are being filled. It’s not just corporations that take advantage of mass media, whether that be through ads or literally manipulating and fabricating “news,” but the government does it too. Read More…