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“Explosive” Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War

Early this morning, Israeli Channel 10 news published a leaked diplomatic cable which had been sent to all Israeli ambassadors throughout the world concerning the chaotic events that unfolded over the weekend in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, which began with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s unexpected resignation after he was summoned to Riyadh by his Saudi-backers, and led to Read More…

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Why Has The Las Vegas Massacre Disappeared From The News Cycle?

It is without a doubt, our news cycle – in the age of 24/7 constant-connectedness – moves at a breakneck pace. With so much information and news reaching us, it’s easy to become overburdened and burned out on the world around us and the things taking place. It is true, too, that the mainstream media dictates what stays Read More…

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Dire Consequences Of Short-Sighted Western Policy Towards Middle East

Just one year ago, Director of Europol Rob Wainwright warned Europe of further terror attacks. A month ago, the same position was shared by Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader in Britain. Mr Corbyn also warned about the danger of the EU’s policy towards the Middle East. The Labour leader called such a policy short-sighted. In fact, Read More…

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Mainstream Media Caught Exploiting Children In Psy-Op To Sell War To America — It Worked

The vile manipulation of children to promote war is easily exposed in the case of Bana al-Abed — and the fame of a 7-year-old in American mainstream media. (TFTP) Shameless aptly describes the dirty dealings of modern war, from drone bombing human targets from afar in denial of all due process and invasions into sovereign Read More…

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Media Mourn End Of CIA Killing Syrians And Strengthening Al Qaeda

(FAIR) — The US government has finally announced an end to its years-long program to arm and train Syrian rebels. The initiative, one of the CIA’s largest covert operations, with billions of dollars of funding, fueled mass killing in Syria and significantly prolonged the country’s horrific war. Widely respected experts have also acknowledged that it greatly strengthened murderous extremist groups Read More…

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The US Has Officially Lost The War In Syria: Report

By ending the “secret” CIA program to arm and train Syrian rebels attempting to topple Bashar al-Assad in Syria, the Trump administration has accepted defeat in Syria, according to the Century Foundation, a prominent New York-based think tank. The Century Foundation believes this signals an end to America’s commitment to achieving regime change in Syria and claims Washington’s Read More…