Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

CIA Plots Iran Coup – Partners With Terrorist Group

The Iranian (People’s Mojahedin) MeK had been on the US terrorism list for more than 15 years…until Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to remove them from the list in 2012. They’ve killed plenty of Americans, including high-ranking US military officers. Now the CIA, along with neoconservatives and many US politicians, has embraced the MeK as Read More…

Social Engineering Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Top News

That Time Hillary Clinton Removed John Bolton’s Favorite Terror Cult From The Terrorist List

I just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder of the fact that the MEK, an Iranian cult of highly suspicious funding which is beloved by Trump insiders like John Bolton and Rudolph Giuliani for its extremely vocal pro-regime change agenda, was removed from the US State Department’s list of designated terrorist organizations by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton. I point this out Read More…

Foreign Policy Conspiracy Government Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering Top News World

US’ Iran Regime-Change Plan: Hit Economy, Orchestrate Protests, Engage MEK Cult To Chant “Democracy”

While the hard-hit Iranian economy is likely to continue reeling, driving more protesters into the streets, one shouldn’t mistake their pain for a desire to subject themselves to a totalitarian cult with hardly a fraction of the support enjoyed by the Shia clergy helming the Islamic Republic. WASHINGTON — Iran’s latest wave of protests against the Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

Trump Blows Up Iran Nuclear Deal, Aims Next At Blowing Up Iranian Government

With National Security Adviser John Bolton holding great influence over the president’s Iran policy, his call for regime change in Tehran before 2019 suggests that the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal is merely a precursor to the long-sought goal of regime change in Iran. WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s recent decision to withdraw the United Read More…

Politics Foreign Policy Government Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering Top News World

That Time John Bolton Promised Regime Change In Iran Before 2019

In July of last year neoconservative death cultist John Bolton, now the National Security Advisor of the United States, gave a speech at the Grand Gathering of Iranians for Free Iran in which he openly called for regime change in Tehran. Bolton, who is so stupid, crazy and evil that he remains one of the only high-profile Read More…