In a shock series of events, four pro-Western Persian Gulf regimes have tightened the screws on an already impoverished Lebanon, all because a single Lebanese politician dared to challenge the genocidal war in Yemen. But for Western media, this seems to be a non-Story. Why? Well, war crimes are fine if US allies commit them. Read More…
Tag: Kuwait
Israeli Lawmaker Walks Out Of Conference After Being Called A ‘Child-Killer’
Israeli delegate walks out of inter-Parliamentary conference after Kuwaiti lawmaker tells him, “You have no shame.” (MEE) — An Israeli lawmaker walked out of an international conference in Russia after his Kuwaiti counterpart called him a “child-killer.” Marzouq al-Ghanim, the speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly, called on Nachman Shai, deputy speaker of Israel’s Knesset, to leave the Inter-Parliamentary Read More…
Saudi Arabia Gives Qatar 24 Hour Ultimatum As Analysts Warn Of “Military Confrontation”
Shortly after imposing a naval blockade in the immediate aftermath of the Qatar diplomatic crisis, one which left the small Gulf nation not only politically isolated and with severed ties to its neighbors but potentially locked out of maritime trade and crippling its oil and LNG exports, on Tuesday SkyNews Arabia reported that Saudi Arabia has given Read More…
US Soldiers Resist Obama’s Support Of Al Qaeda
As is by now well-known, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s previously classified 2012 report on the origin of the Islamic insurgency against Bashar al-Assad was released to the public on 18 May 2015, and it revealed the Obama Administration’s knowledge, at least since that time, that «the Salafist [Saudi-backed fundamentalist Sunni Islamic], the Muslim Brotherhood [Qatari-backed fundamentalist Sunni Read More…