Files released by the FBI revealed that pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was given a lenient plea deal after he “provided information to the FBI as agreed upon.” (TFTP) In a strange and unexplained move, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced on Thursday that it released a trove of documents from an investigation into billionaire hedge fund Read More…
Tag: Informant
Identity Of Secret Informant In FBI’s Clinton Probe Unveiled
More information about the Congressional probes into the Obama-era Uranium One deal leaked out Thursday when Reuters reported that Senate Republicans say their investigation into the Clinton’s role in approving the deal largely hinges on the testimony of a secret informant who was until recently the subject of a federal gag order. But a month after Trump Read More…
Here’s What the FBI Was Doing Instead of Catching the Orlando Shooter
After the most recent mass shooting in Orlando, Florida — the worst in U.S. history — one might ask how the FBI was able to investigate the perpetrator, twice, without deciding to take any further action. This question is further confounded by the fact the perpetrator was, according to his wife, an abusive, unstable man Read More…