Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government

17 Years After 9/11, US Counts al-Qaeda Among Allies In Syria, Yemen

The U.S.’ willingness to treat al-Nusra as an ally in Syria seems set to continue, given the Trump administration’s ultimate goal of targeting Iran’s influence in Syria as well as its newly “redefined” goal of regime change in Damascus. WASHINGTON – Less than two decades after the attacks of September 11, the U.S. government has now Read More…

The Daily Wrap Up
Daily Wrap Up Foreign Policy Government Podcast Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Ryan Cristian Social Engineering Top News War Crimes World

Never Forget: The Ruling Plutocracy Uses False Flags To Achieve Political Goals

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSSWelcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/11/18). One need only to look at old US government plans for legitimizing an invasion Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

Staged Filming Of False Flag ‘Chemical Attacks’ Has Begun In Idlib: Russian MoD

Russian state media channels, in a near simultaneous blitz of information, have issued breaking alerts this morning that anti-Assad insurgents in Idlib have begun filming “fake footage of chemical attacks” based on Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) statements. The Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation says the “fake footage of chemical attacks” is expected to be delivered Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Military Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict

Based entirely on claims made by “anonymous intelligence officials,” the US is claiming that Assad has approved the use of chlorine gas against the people in Idlib, which, if Americans care to remember, was the exact same way this country was led into a war with Iraq under knowingly false pretenses — otherwise known as Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

British Intelligence Planning Fake Chemical Attack In Syria – US Senator

Virginia State Senator Richard Black has claimed UK intelligence was planning a chemical attack in Syria, which they would then blame on the Syrian government. Black made the claim after a meeting with President Bashar Assad. “Around four weeks ago, we knew that British intelligence was working towards a chemical attack in order to blame Read More…

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YouTube Shuts Down Syrian State Channels As Idlib Assault Begins

Syrian state YouTube channels have been shut down this morning just as the Syrian Army’s ground offensive has officially begun. This includes the following now terminated Syrian state and pro-government channels: Syrian Presidency, Syria MoD (Ministry of Defense), and SANA. This follows YouTube reportedly closing Syria’s Ortas News last week.  It is unclear whether or not the action is part Read More…