Health Conspiracy Environment Food Top News

Cancer-Linked Weedkiller Found In Every Food Tested Except Broccoli

The FDA has detected significant levels of glyphosate, a commonly used herbicide, in a wide variety of foods — but it’s unlikely the agency will release these findings to the public. According to internal documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the Guardian and the advocacy organization U.S. Right to Know, in January of last year, FDA chemist Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Environment Health World

Fukushima Passes Chernobyl As Worst Nuclear Disaster In History: Does Anyone Care?

The continued cover-up of the Fukushima impacts in Japan is likely due to the widespread contamination of soil, vegetation, and water prolific enough that it would lead to evacuations so massive in scope they could collapse Japan’s economy, the third largest in the world. TOKYO – According to peace and environmental justice watchdog NukeWatch, the Fukushima Read More…

Conspiracy Occult Top News

Another Hollywood Arrest: This Time It Involves Sexual Abuse Of Children & Trafficking

It’s not nice to write of such topics as discussed in this article, but it’s something we’ve been trying to help expose since Collective Evolution began. Elite level child trafficking cults that brainwash women and young children is a reality, and it’s something that we have to raise awareness about and shed some light on. Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Occult

Media Silent As Allison Mack’s Arrest Exposes Child Trafficking For Billionaire-Backed Sex Slave Ring

The Rothschild-linked Bronfman sisters donated millions to the cult whose leaders, Allison Mack and Keith Raniere, have been charged with child sex trafficking. (TFTP) As more details emerge in the case of the elite Hollywood sex cult NXIVM, it seems that the story goes even deeper than was first reported. There is growing evidence that Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Psychological Operations World

OPCW Chemical Inspection Team Reaches Douma After Issuing Statement Negating “Russia Cover-Up” Claim

After many days of delay inside the security arch of Damascus’ city center, the international chemical weapons watchdog group, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), announced that its team of investigators finally entered the Damascus suburb town of Douma early on Saturday.  In an official statement posted to its website, the OPCW confirmed the following:  The Fact-Finding Mission Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Government Occult World

Ex Chief Adviser For The UN’s Child Labour Program Arrested For Pedophilia

There’s been a massive amount of disclosure with regards to elite pedophile rings for decades, but more attention was brought to it last year, with some weird and bizarre leaked emails from long time politician, John Podesta, it’s how the whole “Pizzagate” debacle began. Not only that, last year an NBC news report claimed that Hillary Read More…