In a previous report published on The Last American Vagabond, I outlined the esoteric rituals underlying the Paris 2024 olympics and several extremely dangerous mystery cults that went to war with Christianity during its first several hundred years after the murder of Jesus. In that location I spent time outlining the essential characteristics of these Read More…
Tag: Christianity
Occult Olympics, Solar Deities and the French Pagan Revolution
Many people were aghast at the blatant occult symbolism on display during the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics. After a worldwide backlash from disgusted Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike, the official website of the Paris Olympics removed all recordings of the ceremonies, and while that may be considered a small victory for basic Read More…
Does Iran’s Government Persecute Its Christian Population?
A report published last year by experts working at the United Nations has been repeatedly cited, especially throughout Right-Wing press in the United States, as proof that Iran persecutes its Christian population for practicing their faith. But are these charges true, or is there more to the story? Iran’s constitution unequivocally protects the rights of Read More…
Beginner’s Guide to Metaphysics – Part 5: Gnosticism
Originally posted April 10, 2016 The keepers of the Library of Alexandria, and the upholders of the secret Mystery Initiations of Greece and Egypt (See Part 6), Gnosticism remains one of the most poignant parallels to scientific thought out of all mysticism. Deriving its concept of divinity from “gnosis,” which means knowledge, Gnosticism can very Read More…
Beginner’s Guide to Metaphysics – Part 4: Abrahamic Mysticism – Catholicism, Kabbalah and Islam
Originally posted April 1, 2016 Abrahamic Mysticism consists primarily of the metaphysics of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. While these religions today are heavily used throughout society with little incorporation of metaphysic understanding, mysticism would not be the same without them. Easily the most dominant contribution to the occult of these would be Judaism, through a Read More…