Police documents released as part of the #BlueLeaks hack details how law enforcement is tracking activists via social media while empowering private citizens as “Threat Liason Officers.” On June 19, 2020, 269 gigabytes of internal U.S. police documents were released by the group Distributed Denial of Secrets as part of the #BlueLeaks operation. The documents Read More…
Tag: activism
“F**king Historical” – Watch Banksy Painting Self-Destruct At Sotheby’s Auction
A Banksy painting “self-destructed” Friday evening on the auction podium at Sotheby’s New Bond Street location in London after being sold for 1.04 million pounds. The spray-painted canvas “Girl With Balloon” was subjected to furious bidding at the Contemporary Art Evening Sale with a winning bid by telephone, fetching more than three times its pre-sale estimate Read More…
Is Oily Econo-Politics Behind Saudis’ Crude Canadian Diplomacy?
For such an ugly and bizarre international fistfight to spring full-blown from a single critical tweet strains credulity. Underlying the Saudis hostile anti-Canadian actions may be a desire to signal the world to stay blind to the kingdom’s internal repressions. Or it may be an economic play with Canadian oil. TORONTO — In a near repeat Read More…
Activism Without Inner Work Is Impotent
Have you ever known someone who’s intensely interested in helping people, but is so neurotic and unskillful that they mostly just make things worse? “Stop!” you’ll find yourself wanting to yell at such people. “Stop helping! Go help yourself!” That’s how I see most political activism today. So many well-intentioned people who want to help, Read More…
Derrick Broze On Holistic Anarchism
James Corbett is joined by Derrick Broze, writer for Activist Post and founder of The Conscious Resistance network, to discuss holistic anarchism, self-assessment, conspiritainment vs. activism, the Manifesto of the Free Humans, the Decentralize Your Life Tour and much more.
Has VICE Become One Of The New Choices For State Propaganda?
Anyone who has studied the rise of the counter-culture in the 1960’s and beyond, will soon realize that most of it was not the result of some spontaneous revolution amongst a politically frustrated youth, but instead was a grand intelligence operation designed to control the growing frustrations amongst society. While there was definitely mounting pressure Read More…