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Starve The Beast, Feed The Light

It is often echoed by the marginalized masses that “the system doesn’t work for the people” and “it only works for the elite that own it.” Regardless of ideology, it’s pretty hard to deny this claim when wealth inequality and power concentration are rampant all over society with plenty of hard data to back it up. This reality is not really in question by most logical people with access to even the most basic information. However, what is often not discussed, and is much more controversial, is how to implement tangible solutions to the current social enigma in which the world finds itself. This lack of effective solutions seems to be the major hurdle holding back a fast awakening public.

The problem is that many people today go about activism in the totally wrong way, spinning the wheels, but going nowhere fast. The three most common tactics include constantly complaining about other people’s actions, protesting the actions of others by occupying space/holding signs, and lobbying middlemen politicians to enact new laws to fix the problems and “protect” the people. Though these tactics might work to some small degree (obviously not working very well at the moment), they all have one fundamental problem hindering genuine change, and that is direct individual action. By always asking and relying on some other entity to be the agent of change, like the government or private corporations, people are stripping themselves of their own power to change the system directly through their own individual actions.


It’s no wonder people feel incredibly powerless when coming face-to-face with the beast that is the system. However, if there is one truth that every social activist needs to fully understand, it is that We the People are what feeds the beast, and without our energy input, the parasite would starve and fall to its knees, dying off quicker than many can even fathom. It’s really not as complex as many are led to believe; it just requires hard work, focused discipline, open-minded thinking, in-depth research, and constant adaptation to an ever-changing world.

With money making the world go ’round, financially starving the corrupt aspects of the system might be the first place to start. For example, instead of complaining about Walmart’s low wages or McDonald’s poor food health standards, simply don’t work or shop there. This directly affects their pocket-book, and chances are they will get the hint sooner rather than later. Though simple enough, this is very hard for many people in practice, primarily because most people have been so heavily indoctrinated into believing that they are dependent upon the current system for survival. The psychological addiction runs extremely deep, especially in the United States, as many people don’t even realize how incredibly addicted they are to the systemic Kool-Aid they are constantly fed. Not only are they addicted, but they cannot even perceive any alternatives to their usual lifestyle routines. However, if the system has any chance of changing, people have to quit financially supporting those institutions that go against their interests, such as unhealthy food, propagandized media, criminal banks, greedy corporations, unhealthy relationships, and disloyal government, among others.


The argument will often come up that “if we boycott the system, many will lose their jobs.” Yes this is true to a certain extent, but are people so co-dependent and lacking confidence that they cannot adapt or begin anew? That’s like a heroin addict saying they will get sick if they stop using, justifying their continued abuse and further masking their unhealthy addiction. It is true that the addict might get sick and have heavy withdrawals for a period of time, but it’s important to understand that this is an inevitable part of change in which sometimes one must go through a difficult time in order to come out all the better in the long run. Is that not what a physical workout is, putting ones body through short-term stress in order to bring about long-term gain? All growth is inevitably accompanied by a period of unease and adaptation, so this should be assumed going in. People using these excuses are only living in denial of their own fear of change, lacking the will and heart to battle through the tough times. Stop letting fear win, it really is as simple as that.

It ultimately ends with people “being the change they wish to see in the world” through their own energy output. Instead of feeding the beast or relying on others to change it, start buying into the light that you wish to see. This means using your time, money, and energy to support only those systems that promote ethics, logic, and love. This will require sacrifice, yet if it’s embraced by those truly seeking change, the system will have no other choice but to adapt accordingly, since people’s actions are what makes it all go ’round. This again is tough because it requires personal responsibility, intellectual research, and proactive action, all of which many want others to do for them. People will have to seek out new establishments, and in some circumstances it may require people to start new programs that bring changes to communities where they don’t currently exist. This means starting new social groups, opening up new businesses, or running for local office. This is direct individual action at work.

This even goes one level deeper, in that it may be time for people to peacefully boycott many of the unjust laws in which government has implemented. This is what great thinkers like Martin Luther King Jr. understood and it is why the movement surrounding him proved so effective. No one is advocating a violent overthrow of the government, as it is illogical when one understands the vast arsenal of weapons the government possesses, and that violence only begets more violence. However, when the government has shown the public time and time again that it is corrupt and does not give a damn about the people or justice, then people have no choice but to defend themselves by peacefully disobeying. This includes people currently employed by the government, because just doing what you’re told to do is only perpetuating a negative feedback loop. Just look at the Nazis, where most people were simply following orders from higher command. If it’s true that the government is “of the people, by the people, for the people,” then true patriots have every right to disobey crony orders, ignore unjust laws, and refuse to pay taxes that fund mass corruption and perpetual war.


In the end, people must realize the true power they have more than anything else. It is We that pull the triggers that fire the bullets of war. It is We who give our money to unethical corporations that exploit us. It is We who obey orders and keep the system afloat. It is this sense of personal responsibility that is ultimately lacking in the activism movement. The cold hard fact is that the system revolves around the actions of the masses, not the actions of the elite. It only seems the opposite because people have been lied to and propagandized into believing they need masters and possess no direct power. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Wake up and realize YOU have power! WE have power! Once we realize this, the truth and love that resides in an overwhelmingly large amount of the population cannot and will not be stopped. So let us embark on a new solution: Starve the beast to its knees and Feed the light. This is something each of us has a personal responsibility to do and it is the only way real change will ever manifest.

The time is now!

Tim Bryant
An avid free-thinker, Tim has set out on a mission in search of the truth in whatever form it may come. Ever since his awakening several years ago, his passion for knowledge and justice has led him on a journey into deep research, cultural travel, and complete expansion of the mind. Tim feels as if the information freely flowing into the hands of the public, due to the dawn of the Internet, cannot be stopped at this point, so he has made it his goal to help facilitate and breakdown this complex stream of information, so that others can accelerate their own awakening and be part of the inevitable change happening in society.

4 Replies to “Starve The Beast, Feed The Light

  1. Thank you for this. You were able to put into words an idea I’ve been trying to implement. Just having someone else share that thought is encouraging. Things are coming together. Again, I appreciate it.

  2. “Starve the Beast, Feed the Light”

    I can’t think of a more efficacious phraseology to better encapsulate the core solution to our current totalitarian malaise. Reminds me of arguably one of the best political essays ever written: Etienne de La Boetie’s The Politics of Obedience – The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. In this seminal work written over 500 years ago, we find the following:

    “Obviously there is no need of fighting to overcome this single tyrant, for he is automatically defeated if the country refuses to consent to its own enslavement: it is not necessary to deprive him of anything, but simply to give him nothing; there is no need that the country make an effort to do anything for itself provided it does nothing against itself….Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”

    Notice a key word in the above passage: consent. As Lew Rockwell, one of the founders of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, once wrote:

    “To him, the great mystery of politics was obedience to rulers. Why in the world do people agree to be looted and otherwise oppressed by government overlords? It is not just fear, Boetie explains in “The Discourse on Voluntary Servitude,” for our consent is required. And that consent can be non-violently withdrawn.”

    Michael A. Hoffman II also touched on this concept in his work Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare when he wrote,

    “If the truth of what the cryptocracy has perpetuated is grasped and acted upon, the consequences for the conspirators will be annihilation. But if the people fail to perceive the truth or fail to act upon their perception, thus rendering unto the Process a kind of tacit consent born of apathy, amnesia and abulia, the consequence for the conspirators will be a giant step in the advancement of their system of control, that is to say, ever tighter bonds of enslavement for humanity.
    Why does the cryptocracy bother to gamble so much by going public with what it is doing to us? Because consent fuels their control like no other form of energy.”

    That said, just like focusing on identifying problems without imparting attendant solutions constitutes a lopsided approach, so too does highlighting externally based solutions rooted in individual action without addressing the critical inner work that is also necessary.

    What’s important to understand is that the problems we see around us – atheistic materialism, hyper-egoism, over-intellectualism, realism, excessive rationality, doctrinairism, collectivism, authoritarianism – are a reflection of an internal state of psychic decay; that our individual actions in the “real’ world must stem from the cultivated wisdom of our True Self deep within as opposed to our illusory Ego that now masquerades around as our Master. As Caitlin Johnstone recently wrote,

    “Activism without inner work is impotent”

    But it’s not just Caitlin. Take a look at some quotes from others that serve to highlight and in some instances empirically reinforce this idea:

    “If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, the world will always end up re-creating fundamentally the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction.”- Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth page 22

    ““The reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken and in heaps, is because man is disunited with himself.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature

    ““The danger becomes all the greater the more our interest fastens upon external objects and the more we forget that the differentiation of our relation to nature should go hand in hand with a correspondingly differentiated relation to the spirit, so as to establish the necessary balance. If the outer object is not offset by an inner, unbridled materialism results, couple with maniacal arrogance or else the extinction of the autonomous personality, which is in any case the ideal of the totalitarian mass state.” Dr. Carl Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, page 213

    “He suddenly understood the message of so many spiritual teachers that the only revolution that can work is the inner transformation of every human being.”- Stanislav Grof M.D., Ph.D., The Holotropic Mind, page 35

    “When the ruler maintains the Tao, the country is at peace. When he fails to maintain the Tao, the country is in chaos. The country is the offspring. The Tao is the mother.” – Li Jung in reference to the Tao Te Ching

  3. A nice summary piece. Happy to pass it along.
    Feed the Light but do not “Hide” in the light.
    Hiding takes many forms. A frequently used shield is naming important decision thinking/making and the basic awareness of what surrounds you, as “Negative”.
    Followed by a gross dismissal. And excuse to embrace avoidance. And a successful way to stop further personal “attention” or “intention” to move towards an Action filled with Light.
    That is precisely how out of control events, how non-compassionate and non-empathetic events and philosophies and laws for the selected ones are perpetuated.
    Solutions to problems require first attending to, not dismissal of – an awareness.
    Action/movement most usually requires us to go beyond our comfort zones.
    Hiding in the Light,
    Ultimately snuffs out the Light, for all

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