is exclusively reporting that the US military, DHS, and FEMA are gearing up for a huge, officially unannounced martial law drill set to start Oct. 30 and running through to 30 days after the election.
By the sound of it, this has nothing to do with foreign invaders but with quelling potential mass civil unrest in American streets:
This tip came through the back channels; its implications are astounding.
If there is any truth to it, the 2016 election could be a kick-off for total tyranny.
According to an unnamed source – who has provided accurate intel in the past – an unannounced military drill is scheduled to take place during a period leading up to the election and throughout the month after.
It appears that the system is gearing up to handle outbreaks of violence, chaotic rallies and poll stations, and the possibility that the people of the United States may become very dissatisfied with the outcome by using military force and martial law.
The drill could, of course, go live at any time; Homeland Security and the military are prepared to contend with a period of unrest, and restore order to a divided and broken country – regardless of whether people like their new leader or not.
As you know, DHS is already monitoring this election and prepared to take over its ‘critical infrastructure’. The scope of this drill would, of course, take things much further:
Hi Guys,
I got some gouge from a former military colleague who is in contact with active duty personnel and he received an email about an upcoming drill. We need confirmation on this, but if we put it out there we might get a leaker to come forward and confirm:
Date: October 30th – 30 days after the election
Suspected Region: Northeast, specifically New York1st Phase: NROL (No Rule of Law) – drill involving combat arms in metro areas (active and reserve). Source says active duty and reserve service members are being vaccinated as if they are being deployed in theatre.
2nd Phase: LROL (Limited Rule of Law) – Military/FEMA consolidating resources, controlling water supply, handing out to public as needed.
3rd Phase: AROL (Authoritarian Rule of Law) – Possible new acronym or term for “Martial Law”. Curfew, restricted movements, basically martial law scenario.
Source said exercise involves FEMA/DHS/Military
So far this drill has not been confirmed outside the single source, but maybe now that it’s in the alt. media, others will come forward to verify it.
However, with everything else going on right now geopolitically, this makes sense. Obviously with this election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, large masses of people are going to be pissed off either way no matter who wins. The government must recognize that fact.
The first phase of the drill refers to “combat arms in metro areas.” The second phase is about controlling the water supply. The third phase is martial law without saying it.
By the looks of this, the system is gearing up for a fight with the people on election day. Could the system’s consolidation of power behind Hillary and her ascension to the US throne have something to do with it?
No matter what, it’s never too late to be prepared… until it is too late.
Contributed by Piper McGowin