Joining me once again today is Shelby Thomson, co-founder of Unjected, here to discuss updates from the ground regarding the Maui fires and some even more compelling evidence that foul play was involved. We discuss numerous data points that clearly suggest a cover up; but the question remains: what exactly is being covered up? Was this merely a disaster, that was horribly handled, and now being hidden to avoid liability? Or was this a disaster that was allowed to take place, even driven into reality, in order to remove people from land that has been long-sought by corporate interests and government entities? Or even worse, could this have been an outright attack that was executed on the people of Maui? We should not shy away from asking these tough questions, in any circumstance, let alone when there is this much evidence of manipulation. However, it is important, paramount, that we do not assume or present our opinions as fact in such a devastating time. We must stick to what we can prove. And what we can prove at the moment is more than enough to put those responsible for the deaths of potentially thousands of people behind bars — especially if we discover that many of the theories about far darker actions that might have been carried out, are proven to be true.
Source Links:
- (71) James Melville on X: “A Lahaina resident describes the situation after the Maui fires: “Why is this not bigger news? Our government f*cked us.” #LahainaFires #MauiFires #Hawaii” / X
- (80) Unjected Official (@unjected) / X
- Unjected
- HIEMA head: It took hours for state to understand full scope of Lahaina disaster
- Material to be applied in Maui burn zone to stop contaminated runoff
- Powdered Soiltac – SDS
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- Screen Shot 2023-08-30 at 1.02.52 PM.png (2536×1256)
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $3 Billion in Project Selections to Help Communities Build Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events |
- Maui’s first reported fire likely caused by power lines, data shows – The Washington Post
- (90) LastAmericanVagabond on X: “What everyone is missing is the AFRL Directed Energy Directorate located on Maui. “We delivered the USAF’s first-ever operational directed energy weapons.” I just went over this on today’s show: #MauiFires #Maui #DirectedEnergyWeapons #DEW” / X
- Laser Ignition Device and Its Application to Forestry, Fire and Land Management | US Forest Service Research and Development
- Maui Wildfires | US EPA
- (108) LastAmericanVagabond on X: “Only $700 a person the Biden admin offers those still suffering in Maui. Yet FEMA officials who (despite having an office on Oahu) only just set up the first relief center on Aug. 16th, are in “$1000-a-night luxury hotels”.,” / X
- (82) Unjected Official on X: “”Instead of looking for survivors, they built a fence…” Boots on the ground footage of #Lahaina . Very very sad. If you want to contribute to the #Maui relief fund, put together by #Unjected and @JimmyLevyMusic, to be put directly into the hands of local people affected,…” / X
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- (103) *The* Smoking Raccoon Dog on X: “@TLAVagabond @pizzapicklespur @Jikkyleaks @CharlesRixey @I_Am_JohnCullen @NameIsSpartacus @breakfast_dogs @DowdEdward @Inversionism I wonder when exactly this video was taken.” / X
- (97) Amiri King on X: “@realstewpeters That is a lie. Stop lying for clicks and views.” / X
- Red roofed house in Maui miraculously remains unscathed after Hawaii wildfires | World News – Hindustan Times
- (83) Stew Peters on X: “Here’s a better look at the BLUE ROOF on Oprah’s Lahaina, Maui mansion. #DEW” / X
- Oprah-Winfrey-Promised-Land.jpg (850×505)
- Inside Oprah Winfrey’s Houses — All 6 of Them – SheKnows
- Paradise Found: A Look Inside Oprah Winfrey’s Luxurious Estate In Maui Hawaii – Kauai Hawaii
- (85) Kevin – WE THE PEOPLE❤️ – DAD🦁 🐉 🔥 on X: “🚨🚨🚨Is it true that WHITE and BLUE coloured things were not affected in #Lahaina? If true, this should give us a massive clue Do lasers have a hard time burning BLUE and WHITE things or are they programmed that way for a reason!?🧐 #Plasma #Laser #DEW #DirectedEnergyWeapons…” / X
- (85) Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis on X: “WATCH: Lasers bounce off the blue color spectrum. How many billionaires in Hawaii had that color roof and no damage to their homes from the fires that destroyed the homes of those native Hawaiians. This is crazy.” / X
- Maui D.E.W: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon? Judge For Yourself.. – YouTube
- FNS – Applications
- Listen to Live ATC (Air Traffic Control) Communications |
- LastAmericanVagabond on X: “Combine this with the video of the local stating that the reason they ended up trapped like this was because the police were ordered to hold them there despite no blockages holding them back.” / X
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As far as the “satanic ritual” aspect of all this is involved, I dont know, but it does wreak of a cover up. However, there is an expert in that field at: Mark Passio runs the site and lectures on satanic cults and rituals. Anyone questioning that angle should check him out. I would like to see Ryan interview him at some point.
Hawaii Electric turned off the power in the Lahaina area at approximately 4:30 am on 8/8, regardless of what the government alleges to confuse the issue. This is verified by several sources. One of the sources is a video of 6 to 8 locals after the fire who were talking about the terror attack and the after effects. This video is from Hustle Bitch: The government knew this fact weeks ago.
Where are the school buses and bus drivers? Maybe the children were not taken home. I saw one photo of pre and post fire and there are many missing buses.
Can you provide a link to that photo?
trying to find it. I think it was a google earth but don’t know who posted it. i was jumping around trying to find info from locals. I saw a couple live streams from the realtor who appears to be discredited but I think it was someone else.
A car’s engine can catch on fire and potentially engulf the car in flames. Or the gas tank explodes. I’ve seen cars on fire before of their own accord. Another theory is someone’s car caught on fire on the way out of Lahaina and then they had to bail when they got to that place, leaving the car to burn itself out in a safe place with no combustibles nearby. I’m just not buying that some military dude torched a couple of cars with D.E.W. in the middle of nowhere. Why?? and why trust some Real Estate sharks on Maui? Wasn’t there some sort of a concern about a land grab?
Dumping PolyVinyl dust all over Lahaina site is incredibly unwise, especially considering that if it catches on fire, you may have a toxic chemical problem again somewhat like East Palestine. There are other ‘soil stabilizers’ such as Perma-Zyme that are not made of plastic but rather, use enzymes. Plastic is NOT the answer! It will create a host of new problems for local residents. THOR Hammers Drone Swarm with High-Power Microwaves Combine that with Forensic arborist Robert Brame’s claim that California fires were started with microwaves: