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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/9/21).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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Why are some people still buying into the hype? Why did they in the first place when cases mean nothing? But aren’t stopping and thinking since deaths and injuries started happening after the pharmaceutical trial began? Mass Formation. I learnt about this from psychologist professor Doctor Mattias Desmet who’s part of Reiner Fullmeich’s Corona Virus Committee. Here’s his interview on the Pandemic Podcast:
and here’s a short article with the four conditions required for Mass Formation to take place:
The interview gives more examples. Society was set up for this years ago. And it’s not like the harms of the direction everyone’s culture was being taken didn’t go unnoticed. Poor quality of relationships, unfulfilling jobs, living mindlessly, etc and feeling helpless about changing anything. The past decade of austerity and blatent corruption really helped. Then along come the criminals crying wolf about another “deadly enemy” (since traditional enemies, the neighbouring countries, don’t exist) but that we don’t have to feel helpless about it, we’ve got the solution. You don’t need to burden yourself with thinking (factcheckers), you just need to follow our instructions. But we need complete unity and obedience for it to successful. It’s the disobedient who aren’t letting us live freely. That’s the gist of it. Depending on the mentality of the person, different tactics will either break the hypnosis or become more defensive. But as a trauma counsellor said, they’ll need to come to their senses and choose to stay in reality on their own. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink it.
Its the power of myths, its following all the strategies of religion. You create an invisible or false enemy and false solution and act as the conduit between the two as the masses huddle in fear. This has been beautifully mixed with politicizing those issues. Is there really any difference between the left leaning covid church of today and the right wing Muslim terror fear of 20 years ago? Looks about the same to me.
Your comment brought to mind these thoughts:
“…The Three Modes of COGNITION/PSYCHE (i.e., “kinds of People”) are:
A. BELIEF (dominant psyche) People:
Indoctrinated. Followers. Delusional/Faithful. Parable Processors.
B. INFORMATION (dominant psyche) People:
Inculcated. Leaders/Managers/Administrators. Delusive/Manipulative. Data/Stats Processors.
C. KNOWLEDGE (dominant psyche) People:
Independent. Autonomous. Diligent/Critical/Logical. Truth/Facts Processors.
We are pawns, dupes and useful idiots when we fail to make KNOWLEDGE — Truth, facts and understanding — our Dominant Cognition/Psyche.
If you choose not to think and to reason and to understand — if you are content with merely hope and faith and being told what to think, believe and do — you will inevitably be used, and therefore abused, by those who do Think and Reason and Understand, and they will recognize you don’t think or reason or understand, and they will therefore just tell you stories — feed you Parables and Information — to make you think and do and believe whatever is best for them, not you. Your oppression will be as much your own fault as theirs; why should they help you — and not gain from you (at your expense) — if you just want to be told what to believe and think and do.
>>> Not to mention, there are those who want to use & abuse you even when you endeavor to discover Truth & Facts, and Think and Understand; indeed, they will hide Knowledge from you and create problems/crisis/desires/fears for you and tell you they have the solutions…
It’s not easy, but the world needs everybody thinking or we will all go down at the hands of the few who do think and who don’t care about the rest who just believe and follow. For example, do you care about the homeless guy who’s drunk and laughing [and seems quite content]? No.
Leaders/rulers these days don’t care about the unwitting masses in that same way [“Let them eat … GMOs”].
Real meaning and purpose in life — and equity and justice — comes from Knowledge & Understanding, not Beliefs and Information.
If you need help, start here: http://www.triviumeducation.com ”
–Der Hz Ogee (a comment at zerohedge.com/political/mayhem-madness-authoritarian-monsters-wreak-havoc-our-freedoms)
I’m pretty dusty on this knowledge but reasoning and thinking were a major part of the 19th century education of children. There was a world to steal! And we couldn’t have dummies out there incapable of problem solving.
But when that got shored up, the late 19th century response to industry was too educated. My recollection that the real push to change national education began under the Wilson administration.
They didn’t want thinkers and problem solvers anymore. Theu could convince people!
We are at a point where math is subjective in school. They want video game playing, teevee watching, junk food eating kids going daily, masked now, to an institution that wants to block real critical thinking at every step.
If people can’t compose and make a point, they get buried. This is the soil myths grow from.
The CDC admits only 0.9% of test samples have been given gene sequenced. That gene sequencing is not just important for determining the variant but the only way PCR can determine a true infection. Fact checkers told us that we are wrong because the PCR test follow all the right steps to diagnose disease such as using the right number of cycles and running the most critical step which is a gene sequence of the test sample afterwards. But the CDC now admits 99% of the PCR tests are invalid.
Well, had me up to the last sentence. That said RT-PCR is still not validated, is still EUA’d and it’s use under EUA is supposed to expire at end of this year.
@ToTheLifeboats on Twitter includes a tweet from a couple of days ago showing obituary/memorial data of dead pilots: In 2018 1 death, in 2019 1 death, in 2020 (only just started vaxxing) 6 deaths, in 2021 (mass vaxxing ****109 deaths by September****) … similar situation to the athletes
[ Sorry if you later mention this, still watching your great video ]
I must add, I’ve seen some further info mentioning that the 2018 / 2019 deaths etc are actually late reports of more recent deaths, so this particular bit of info on pilots isn’t as staggeringly different post vax as the data initially showed… (though still an increase in 2021).
Since you brought up Heinz Kissinger, I came across this the other day:
Under Kissinger’s guidance, the US National Security Council created a document in 1974 called NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum #200). To paraphrase the document’s thesis in a nutshell: population growth in lesser-developed countries constitutes a threat to US national security.
Some researchers have pointed out the link between NSSM 200 and the US secret policy in Cambodia: first the carpet bombing killing hundreds of thousands, then the CIA helping to get the Khmer Rouge in power resulting in one of the greatest genocides in human history. The CIA officer directly in contact with Pol Pot now has a top position at UNICEF.
The greater the population on wanted territory, the greater the number of enemy targets to neutralise. In the case of a physical military war, it would cost a lot of money because the dead can quickly be replaced by willing participants to protect their land. In business, other humans are obstacles to stealing land or being able to buy it quickly for a cheap price. Fights with civilians defending their land can dent the public reputations of bad people or their businesses if news gets out. And as the Saudi crown prince said of his bombings of Yemeni civilians, he wants to instill fear (which immobilises people and makes them easier to walk over and control) in their hearts for generations to come. Only if the Yemenis come out of this as the losers. For example, Nestle murdering a million African babies, Bill Gates injuring or murdering children in Kenya and India with his pharmaceutical products, women’s cosmetics companies using children to mine their ingredients, British soldiers r*ping little Iraqi girls, etc. A private security company, G4S, was awarded a contract by the British government to handle refugees in a detention centre and another to manage unruly older children that regular schools can no longer handle. Video evidence came out of the adults strangling the children’s throats until they fainted. No consequences. While male security had r*ped female refugees at the detention centre. The former Prime Minister Theresa May said she would not take action because it would hurt the reputation of the company. Theresa May is also the Prime Minister who destroyed all evidence of government ministers, past and present, engaging in child predation and legally gagging now adult victims and their lawyers from revealing to the media of their cases against former ministers. She also implemented a retroactive two-child policy for welfare claiments and tried to almost starve children from low-income families attending state-funded schools. The same government also decided that those children don’t need to be taught first aid to help someone in an emergency. And now it turns out that the British Queen’s other son is also best friends with another child predator. Two decades ago, a minister, Margaret Hodge, put child predators in charge of various children’s home. The then prime minister, war criminal Anthony ‘Tony’ Blair, appointed her to the Minister for Children position he made for her. Parents protested because now their own children could be harmed by this woman and so Hodge was demoted to her previous position. There was a children’s vaccine in Canada that was banned because it was injuring and killing children. So Blair had British taxpayers buy it in the early 2000s and said British children need this safe and effective vaccine. It was later banned. The people in power seem to see everyone as a thing to be destroyed and turned into living or dead corpses.
Thank you for this
Banker turned Health Secretary Sajid Javid – pronounce the ‘i’s like in rapid. Whenever asked about the science, he shamelessly admits “I don’t know”. We’re in a so-called health pandemic. I don’t how taxpayers think this is acceptable. For years, the former Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, received complaints from the public that “honourable” ministers sounded like farmyard animals. I first started watching Parliamentary debates when I was still in school. I was shocked. They were laughing, shouting, joking, throwing insults, making animal noises, nonsensical clown noises, etc. All I remember think was that they’re worse than school children when there’s a supply teacher in. And they’re running our country. In recent years, the trend seems to be to act like they have morals and like they’re so offended that anyone could accuse them of ever willingly deceiving or harming the public. The only times I’ve seen a minister be expelled (for the rest of the day) is when they’ve rightfully called the prime minister a liar. New Zealand’s Jacinda has been looking and sounding like smiling psycho throughout this year. I hope she’s arrested as soon this global circus is shut down. During last winter’s lockdown, people here in the United Kingdom gave each ideas on how to exploit the loopholes like setting up their own shell companies, employing their family and friends on zero-hour contracts and holding “business meetings”. It was funny. I hope people cheered when they heard that the government went against it’s lockdown restrictions and had it’s own parties. No one from those parties died. I hope people cheered..and get even. I want people to use what the media is throwing at us to provoke a negative and energy-sucking reaction and use them as an opportunity for positive action that makes them feel alive. The government will keep going back and forth with placing more and more restrictions them temporarily lifting them then back again. This is what abusers do in relationships. You get used to or even accepting of the old abuse/rules because the new ones are worse. I am going to boast now; I’ve been almost completely cash only everyday for over half a decade after a major bank had technical issues and majority of customers at a former unfulfilling workplace (where even I wouldn’t purchase those products) were temporarily penniless for two working days. Alarm bells about the future went off in my head. Going cash-only wasn’t hard at all. Trying out cash-only should be extended from Friday to Sunday – the major spending days.
When you say that you don’t like to be promoting big pharma drugs and that people should instead be thinking along the lines of vitamins, etc, I agree with you. However, I want to say that there is a difference between generic drugs and patented drugs.
Generic drugs, in my opinion, are a very good thing, for three reasons: 1) any [relatively] small company in the world can make them 2) because of that, they are cheap, and 3) they have been tested by time (because in order for a patent to have expired, of course, there needs to have been time, so all generic drugs are time tested).
Generic drugs are, (aside from natural medicines, vitamins, etc) the world’s pharmacopeia, the world’s inheritance that we should all actually cherish and uphold.
Instead, the world gives that position to big pharma and their patented drugs, while looking down on generic drugs.
Hey Ryan, I’m trying to download your podcasts so I can take them to work with me where I usually have no service but the download button is not working…none of the links under the podcast bar are, actually. Is this because I’m on mobile?
Not sure, but they are working on my end. Sorry for the inconvenience. Let me know if you cannot get it to work. Ryan@thelastamericanvagabond.com
It still won’t let me click on any of the links below the audio bar 🙁 it’s probably an issue with my phone. Maybe it’s because I have refused the last 4 or 5 updates, ha! Oh well, I’ll just stick to listening when I have wifi. Thank you for your work!!
Try a podcast app feed. It doesn’t work for me either. Mobile.
People, please look into the topic of open source software, especially linux. Software is the structure of society. Open source software means the people create the structure of society.
Here are some links to explore Linux:
Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian and composed mostly of free and open-source software.
10 Best Linux DistrOS for Old Laptop in 2021
Linux on smartphones 2021
Thank you.
What a hideous world we live in right now. A previously lean, fit older neighbour had a stroke yesterday. I keep a general eye on her as her husband died only a few months back, and she lives alone. She dutifully had all her shots, plus a flu vaccine. The most horrific part of this story is that despite clearly having had a TIA (slurred speech) this lady couldn’t even get hold of a GP! She was told by the receptionist that a doctor would not be ringing her. Bear in mind that the older generation do not like to bother doctors, and will often suffer in silence. She did eventually ring for an ambulance and was taken to hospital. I called when I noticed ambulance outside her house. Once at hospital she was made to wait in the hall. She informed me that A&E was quiet until later in the evening. Normally if taken by ambulance one is usually put in a cubicle and seen fairly quickly. Eventually she was seen, had a scan and told she had had a stroke, and was sent home. She had to call a taxi! Poor woman couldn’t call anyone due to bad signal and poor motor control. She had to go back today for an MRI scan.
The NHS is broken, and the elderly are suffering. Not one person in my area is questioning the rise in heart attacks and strokes. 3 in my street that I know of. People have been so terrorised into thinking covid means death that they are blind to anything else. On Talk radio today a gentleman who called in to station said he would kill himself if vaccines were mandated. Lots of responses saying they felt same way. This has got to stop.
The surgery and MP will be getting another polite, but forthright letter from me! Please excuse my rant.
Does anyone know where I can find the best place to access the studies that prove the lack of efficacy of large-scale mask usage, and possibly the harms that are generated from the practice?
Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data
Pfizer’s Report:
Again, this news from last month being reposted as new. We covered this last month. What we discuss in this episode is the next part of this story. Siri’s article on it is in the show notes. Glad to see it is more widely covered finally, but far too many sites selling it as breaking info.
Hey Ryan
Guessing you have seen this by now:
PDF kink to actual doc in article
Oh yeah, those docs were released last month, this site is way behind. We are already on the next part of this. Check the link to Siri’s article in the show notes, or enjoy the show!
About the Canadian minister talking about stillbirth I found this video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/4fwnBTVakLIn/ It’s different from yours but I think the answer you get is even worst.
Great show. I heard you tell someone-maybe Fitts-that you are reading RFKs book exposing Fauci. Awareness of the information contained therein is essential for anyone attempting to analyze the statements that continue to flow from the mouth of this tyrant.
First and foremost, he is a man who has grown very accustomed to forcing his own will on populations of vulnerable, defenseless human beings, all in the interest of his own “greater good.” The often terrible suffering he has caused and continues to cause others is apparently not something that troubles him in the least.
He can sit comfortably, and without the slightest concern, issue dictates that simply dismiss the free will, wants, needs, and rights of other “lesser” human beings, and even flat out lie with a straight face in front of millions of observers, quite supremely confident in the inability of such “lesser” beings to see him for what he really is.
One must understand this completely in order to comprehend this mans arrogance, audacity, and most likely his psychopathy (a primary component of which is a marked absence of empathy).
This knowledge provides an entirely new and enriched dimension of understanding of the likely pathology of his thought processes.
The more frightening reality is that, looking and listening around the entire western world right now, there are many others very much like him who have been placed in strategically important positions, from Australia to Canada etc.
The comments and behavior of all of these people have many things in common, right down to many of the actual words and phrases they are using.
However, the single most important-and most dangerous-commonality is this: what they are all saying and what we can now see with our own eyes that they are actually doing are completely out of sync. Completely incongruous.
They say “we are trying help you” and “its for the greater good” etc. But their actions now indisputably are actually harming people. Objective facts demonstrate this, but they willfully, blatantly, and simultaneously ignore such facts, as they continue without hesitation to march forward toward their goals, whatever those may be. Thus, only one logical conclusion is possible.
You are close to it when you say sometimes that one thing we can all agree on is that “they are lying to us.” Yes. But the larger ramifications of this important observation, in light of what we now know, must follow.
These are people who intend to harm us.
How? Why? These are the larger questions for bright young people such as yourself going forward.
QR codes can’t be destroyed by a randomly added dot with a sharpie or marker pen
only theoretically a nice but useless idea for the uninformed masses
they have different levels of error correction built in
even coporate logos can be integrated into working QR codes
Dr Fauci and his gang must be stopped by ANY MEANS. It is quite clear now we are indeed dealing with a person that is by far more criminal than the Nazi MDs.
In retrospect, does anyone find it odd that right before all this covid nonsense hit, we had a giant impeachment trial? There’s something about all the timing here that has made my radar go off.
Especially the Senate chapter of it all. Wasn’t the “threat of covid” known at that point, at least in the upper circles?
The Senate vote was Feb 5th. And then 5 weeks later, shutdown.
I just find that weird. Am I alone on this?
“Am I alone on this?”
But, follow the money (not the “politics”):
“I’m pretty dusty on this knowledge but reasoning and thinking were a major part of the 19th century education of children.” (previous comment)
You might appreciate this:
“The Underground History of American Education” by John Taylor-Gatto
…and this:
“The Ultimate History Lesson” with John Taylor-Gatto:
…I just created a “Misc. Gatto” page with an excerpt of “The Underground History of American Education”, plus links, to share:
I am interested in that, thank you