WikiLeaks Exposes White House, Media & Clinton Colluding to Label Critics Conspiracy Theorists

As promised, WikiLeaks delivered on documents concerning Hillary Clinton it had claimed for months to be harboring safely for the right moment to release — and the contents do not disappoint. After only a cursory search using WikiLeaks invaluable database, “The Podesta Emails” reveal not only direct evidence of media coordination, but an attempt to Read More…

Leaked Emails Reveal White House Intervened To Suppress Hillary Scandal

Last October, about 6 months after the New York Times first revealed the existence of the Hillary Clinton private email server, President Obama appeared on “60 Minutes” and denied any and all knowledge of her potentially illegal technology arrangements.  When asked point blank whether he knew about Hillary’s private email server, Obama responded, quite simply, Read More…

Clinton Foundation Hacked Exposing Mega Donor List, Massive “Pay To Play” Scheme

Less than 24 hours after Julian Assange disappointed many with the failure to release a major “October Surprise” leak of documents — widely rumored to be detrimental to Hillary Clinton’s political career — Guccifer 2.0 struck again, releasing an enormous cache of documents putatively obtained during previous access to Clinton Foundation files. Guccifer 2.0 — a Read More…

FBI Busted For Allowing the Destruction of Clinton’s Aides’ Laptops in Special “Side Agreements”

A newly released letter from Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Goodlatte, addressed to Attorney General Loretta Lynch shows the FBI made side agreements with Hillary Clinton’s aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson to “destroy” their “laptops” at the conclusion of its search. Destroying the laptops of two of Clinton’s most trusted aides would, of course, Read More…

Hillary Clinton Considered Using Drone Strike to Kill WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

Washington, D.C.- In a revelation that could rock the upcoming U.S. presidential race, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly floated the idea of using a drone strike to kill Wikileaks founder Julian Assange while Secretary of State. “Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked, according to anonymous state department sources. While the Clinton camp will undoubtedly Read More…

Mainstream Media Blackout: Two Prominent Anti-Clinton Activists Found Dead in Two Days

Washington, D.C. – The trail of bodies that follows the Clinton machine continues to pile up. Even during Hillary’s run for the White House, as in just the past few days, two notable anti-Clinton activists have died under mysterious circumstances. Renowned anti-Clinton researcher and writer for American Free Press (AFP), Victor Thorn, whose birth name was Read More…