Former US State Dept Official: “US Intelligence Community Has Started A Counter-Coup Against The Clintons”

Former United States Department of State official Dr. Steve Pieczenik is a psychiatrist who has over 20 years experience in resolving international crises for four U.S. administrations. Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management, and psychological warfare. He served the presidential administrations of Read More…

FBI in Revolt — Top FBI Official Exposes Massive Corruption Which Let Clinton’s Crimes Slide

Washington, D.C. – A high-ranking FBI official has blown the whistle on what they say was a politically motivated, top-down decision to not recommend Hillary Clinton face criminal charges for her mishandling of classified intelligence. The anonymous source that worked intimately on the Clinton investigation told Fox News that FBI agents working the case, as Read More…

Leaked Documents Reveal 38 Journalists Beholden To The Clinton Campaign

Throughout the 2016 “selection” process, there have been many leaked emails, documents and recordings released, primarily through WikiLeaks, which reveal a lot of very damning and incriminating evidence for both candidates. However, it should be clear to anyone open-minded enough to see past the party-specific propaganda, that Hillary Clinton has gotten the majority of the negative Read More…

Wikileaks Drops Easily Searchable E-Reader Version of Clinton Speeches Revealing the Truth of Her “Fact Checking”

Emails lay bare what members of Hillary Clinton’s own inner circle believe to be her vulnerabilities—from ties to big money to scandal-laden husband. WikiLeaks on Monday dropped its second tranche of the so-called Podesta Emails, laying bare what members of her own inner circle believed were the vulnerabilities of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, from her Read More…