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New Extremist Israeli Government Is Openly Fascist

The incoming Israeli government is not only the most extreme in history, posing a significant threat to Palestinians, but also represents a noticeable shift in the Zionist project’s trajectory and has isolated the self-described Jewish state from traditionally pro-Israeli Jewish communities around the world.

Around two months after Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right bloc won the fifth Israeli national election in only three years, the incoming Prime Minster’s coalition has been formed. The new Israeli government’s cabinet will cede power over much of Tel Aviv’s West Bank policy to religious extremists from the Religious Zionism alliance, formed of Jewish supremacist settlers.

Part of the official policy set forth by the incoming Israeli administration will be to increase settlement activity in the West Bank, Golan heights, Galilee and Naqab areas, all of which are highly populated by Palestinians. Benjamin Netanyahu is also pledging to set forth a studying of how to annex the West Bank, a step that not only violates international law, but also agitates staunchly pro-Israel governments in the West. Benjamin Netanyahu’s swearing-in speech included language suggesting that the controversial, racist ‘Nation-State Law’ will be pursued as a priority. “The Jewish people have an exclusive and indisputable right to all areas of the land”, said PM Netanyahu, making it clear that Tel Aviv’s Western allies would have no ability to influence them on entering talks for the so-called “Two-State solution”.

The two figure-heads of the Religious Zionism alliance, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, are set to assume high ranking positions in the new cabinet, seizing control of the finance ministry and Israeli security apparatus. The Israeli Knesset voted through legislation to confirm that Ben-Gvir, a Jewish supremacist who has been indicted for inciting racism and supporting a terrorist group, will receive expanded powers over the Israeli police along with his position as Minister of National Security.

Internally, Israel is facing a crisis of descent in the military and society at large, with varying polls conducted by Israeli media suggesting that less than half of Israeli citizens are confident in the incoming administration. Top Israeli General, Aviv Kochavi, along with the Minister of War, Benny Gantz, have both spoken out against the threat that Smotrich and Ben-Gvir will pose to the military’s security and voiced fear of an escalation on multiple fronts.

The anti-Netanyahu camp in Israeli politics views the incoming administration as a “threat to Israeli democracy”, as a number of planned reforms threaten to overhaul the Israeli legal system. For the ultra-nationalists who won the November election, they argue that “democracy has spoken” and that their leaders have the right to shape Israel in anyway they see fit. What is striking, is that the Religious Zionism party, formed of hardline Jewish supremacists that openly discriminate against minority communities and advocate for anti-woman, anti-LGBT, anti-Palestinian, anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, and anti-immigrant laws, was voted in as the third largest Party in the Israeli Knesset.

Benjamin Netanyahu, once considered as the “far-right” is now considered to be somewhat of a moderate right wing politician in Israel, yet is seeking to introduce the death penalty for Palestinians and not for Jews. Religious Zionism hopes to introduce legislation that would strip Israeli citizenship away from Palestinians who display disloyalty to the Jewish State, which would include sitting members of the Knesset.

Without having to list every single barbaric and racist policy that the new government seeks to introduce, it suffices to say that the new Israeli government is undeniably fascist. Whilst pro-Israel liberals in the West claim to be appalled and concerned with the new cabinet under Netanyahu, this line of argumentation is in and of itself revealing. Israel is an apartheid regime, it has been an apartheid regime, and will remain as such, as the opposition regime was just a different flavor of apartheid. Some people like their coffee strong and some like it weaker, at the end of the day, it’s still coffee.

Although there is certainly opposition from within Israel, and Zionists around the world, to the chauvinistic and openly fascist elements of the incoming Israeli regime, they never had a problem with the system that abuses and mass murders Palestinians. Now, the mask is finally off, the Israeli regime doesn’t care anymore to cover its tracks and raise an olive branch in one hand, whilst firing an M-16 in the other — both hands are now grasping the weapon and taking aim.

In the West Bank this year, at least 171 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire, making this year the deadliest in that specific area since 2005, when the UN began keeping count. The newly formed armed groups inside Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem, Ramallah, and beyond, are all manifestations of the rage felt by a caged Palestinian youth who are fed up and fighting back. Israel’s response, under the “most diverse Israeli government in history,” was to amend their open-fire policy so that soldiers can kill Palestinians who pose no immediate threat to Israelis and to start using drone strikes, anti-tank munitions, and targeted assassinations in broad-daylight, against Palestinians in the West Bank.

If the new Israeli regime seeks to escalate tensions, execute Palestinian political prisoners, ethnically cleanse Palestinians en masse, annex West Bank territory, and change the status quo at Jerusalem’s Holy Sites, it will mean war and all out conflict. They could easily push the Palestinian Authority (PA) into an ultimatum, resist Israel using armed struggle, or, disband, either by force or choice. With the PA out of the picture, the Israelis will be operating with a blind spot in the West Bank and will be forced to re-occupy the territory, or cause another mass ethnic cleansing.

Zionism started as a secular project, but always had its “revisionist camp”. That revisionist Zionist camp, which carried with it a religious undertone, slowly became the majority and now the extremists who were once outlawed terrorists are now the second most powerful bloc in government. Zionism has always been about having the most amount of land, with the least amount of Palestinians, and the Jewish religious extremists, who are comparable in many ways to Al-Qaeda, are prepared to take on the task and clearly do not care what anyone else thinks about them.

The Zionist project has failed to achieve its end goals. The only way to attain those goals is to become even more brutal. The liberal minded Zionists wanted to believe that they could achieve their collective goals by simply maintaining a system of apartheid, wherein Palestinian collaborators would do all their dirty-work with the financial means of doing so from the West, yet this was not sufficient. The extremists have realized that the only way of stopping Palestinians from resisting, is to ethnically cleanse them from the land or murder them out of existence — so this is what they aim to do.

This government will cause problems inside the Israeli political, legal, and military system, however, this should not be viewed as something “un-Israeli”, as this new regime was the inevitable outcome of the racist Israeli settler-colonial project. Israel could have gone one of two ways; turning the entirety of historical Palestine into a true democracy with equal rights for everyone (which would have ceded control to the Palestinian majority) or, today’s fascist option.

Make no mistake, the new Israeli government will likely be brutal and bring with it even more death and destruction to the Palestinian people. Yet it is important to understand that there was no alternative government on the table that was not also aiming to forge a similarly fascist path. All the major Israeli political parties are hell bent on destroying the Palestinian people and ensuring they cannot attain their human rights — the choice is just to the degree you want to see that oppression take hold. It is now a hard apartheid with even more killing, that is what will be in store.

Robert Inlakesh
Robert Inlakesh
Robert Inlakesh is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, writer, Middle-East analyst & news correspondent for The Last American Vagabond.

3 Replies to “New Extremist Israeli Government Is Openly Fascist

  1. There is no Israel…only Palestine!
    This apartheid regime continues to take out the garbage and then brings it back in…

  2. Fascism for the fake nation of Rothschild is fascism for all. Hate filled hands on nuclear weapons spell disaster for US all.

  3. Fascism is a brother of jewish/communism, one of many offsprings of luciferian cabalist talmudism. Read what jewish/communist Rabbi Harry Waton wrote on ‘fascism’, ‘socialism’, ‘communism’ and ‘capitalism’. The nature of fascism is paganism, just like judaism/pharisaism:

    Rabbi Harry Waton, jewish philosopher, disciple of Spinoza, “A Program For The Jews And Humanity”, sponsored by the Committee for the Preservation of the Jews:
    – “Our program is not only for the jews, but for the whole human race… my program should be accepted by non-jews as well as jews… Fascism is a historical process… the jews are masters of the situation… we shall be compelled to adopt fascist methods to meet the world situation, but private capitalism can no longer function … with the death of of private capitalism will also die all political and social institutions resting on private capitalism… Once socialism has been established, and all future social evolution would be towards a human society resting on universal communism, only then all social problems be solved… The only right that will be reserved to the individual will be the right to work for the state upon terms and conditions determined by the state and the state will exploit the working class… All that is necessary, that in this country, state capitalism and fascism shall be completely established in a national emergency or a war. Once such national emergency or war comes – and it will inevitably come in the near future – in this country we shall have the state capitalism and fascism that we see in soviet Russia or nazi Germany.”

    Rabbi Harry Waton, “A Program For The Jews and Humanity”:
    – “Fascism must achieve the unification of Europe and the destruction of the sovereign, independent state. Fascism is the extreme and violent organized opposition to christianity, and for this very reason it will force the adoption of the intention of christianity, not merely in idea, but also in practice. This will mean the disappearance of dualism, the end of class society, and the beginning of the planned and practical progress towards the achievement of an universal community of humanity… It is the hidden penetration of the jewish spirit into the gentile mind that is the danger; and it is a danger because the ‘aryan’ mind cannot resist it, but must succumb. The task is to extirpate the influence of the pagan tradition. Europe will be false to itself that it will create a universal communism, which will destroy blood and race as the basis of civilization, destroy the beauties and the heroisms of the struggle for power, deny the natural superiority of the white race, and of german in particular, and produce universal equality and brotherhood. The jewish spirit is not merely under the illusion of these ideas; it is the force, in the world, which creates them in idea and compels the rest of humanity to achieve them in practice. I need for no greater consciousness, which is christianity. It is the inevitable destiny of fascism to create what it intends to prevent – the socialist commonwealth of the world. The aim of judaism is to realize this inevitable human society resting on universal communism.”
    THESE are the enemies of humankind, these are the only people on earth having a ‘great plan’ to establish a global dictatorship, which they call “Universal Republic”.

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