Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/2/20).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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Masks/face shields
Australia COVID Facebook post arrest
US foreign policy
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As shown in this article, from a government perspective, masking is proving to be problematic:
With the paranoia about security issues and the ever-increasing use of surveillance, masks are clearly not in governments’ best interest.
Can you list the various other streaming platforms so we can find you if Youtube keeps on breaking your livestreams? Great Work by the way!!
I find timelines help connect the dots. A short one here. ######
2019 May 30, -The FBI stated in an internal memo “conspiracy theories” were motivating some domestic terror threats and a series of questionable academic studies link “conspiracy theorists” to mental illnesses. ############
2019-NSAIC headed by Googles Eric Schmidt recommended” structural” changes for the American economy and society so as to follow China’s lead and surpass them in AI-driven technologies, particularly mass surveillance, self driving cars, fleet ownership of cars replacing personal ownership, cashless society, herding people into high urban density areas, eliminating in-store shopping, etc. They call for a civilian DNA databases a “logical next step and AI based health care to replace doctors##########
Trump then signed an EO making AI development a national security priority. Trump justifies his plans to defeat the fake enemy in China in the AI race by making us like China structurally. Although the US is the leader in developing AI technology we fail in the adoption phase due to structural factors and privacy rights which must be changed or removed. Recently (may 2020 ) the Republican Senate struck down an amendment to strengthen privacy rights. Privacy is a thing of the past.###########
2019-June At the Bilderbergs meeting under the motto A Stabile Strategic Order and with an agenda obviously connected to AI and monitoring technologies, there were several prominent participants closely connected to Donald Trump: his son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner (business-partner with another participant of the particular meeting – Peter Thiel), the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (former head of the CIA) and Trump’s close friend, Henry Kissinger, one of the world’s most influential globalists.###########
Thiel is a recurring attendee at the Bilderberg meetings, was present in 2019 and is a member of the Steering Committee together with Marcus Wallenberg, NSAIC ‘s Eric Schmidt from Google, and Thiel’s colleague from Palantir, Alex Karp. The Chairman of the Bilderberg Steering Committee, Marie-Joseé Kravis, is a part of the Rockefeller-circle and has been a president of MoMA (Museum of Modern Art, New York), member of the board of directors of Sloan-Kettering Institute, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).##########
Her husband, the businessman Henry Kravis, donated one million dollar to the inauguration of Trump as U.S. President and was Trump’s first choice as Secretary of the Treasury. Henry, who was a member of CFR:s board of directors 2006-2012, didn’t accept the offer. Kravis, the mastermind of the corporation Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), is notorious as one of filthiest capitalist of the U.S. and one of the role models for Golden Gekko in the 1987 film Wall Street. Despite this fact, Trump has continued to express his admiration for Kravis and invited him and other powerful entrepreneurs to his first State Dinner. Trump appointed Steven Mnuchin as a Minister of Finance. Now Goldman Sachs was back in the White House#########
2019- September Trump had proposed is to establish a new agency called the Health Advanced Research Projects Agency or HARPA, which would sit inside the Health and Human Services Department. Its director would be appointed by the president, and the agency would have a separate budget, according to three people with knowledge of conversations around the plan. One of the leading proponents of this agency’s main program, called “Safe Home” (Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes), aims to develop an artificial intelligence-based system that would analyze data harvested from consumer electronic devices as well as information provided by health-care providers to identify those who might threaten others.##########
Though HARPA ultimately failed to gain traction, a similarly mass surveillance system is now being promoted in its place, with coronavirus now replacing mass shootings as the official justification. Its possible some event caused by an alleged COVID Lockdown Denier will be used to gain support for HARPA############
2019- September 19 Trump issues Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health and creating the Flu Vaccine Task Force.###########
2019 October 1 , following Crimson Contagion Exercises documenting shortages of critical supplies the Strategic National Stockpile was transferred from the CDC to BARDA, and BARDA’s budget was increased by $722 million to a total of $2.2 billion. The stockpiles for life-saving medicines and medical equipment had been depleted during the bogus H1N1 influenza epidemic in 2009. The emergency stockpile was never replenished with essential medical equipment, therapeutics, or personal protective equipment (PPE) for doctors and nurses. The lives of both patients in need of ventilators, and the lives of medical professionals were put at increased risk of death.#######
BARDA activities are not subject to FOIA requests. How convenient.###########
October 16 , 2019 -Attorney General William Barr develops a “pre-crime” program. Officially known as the “National Disruption and Early Engagement Program” (DEEP), it aims to “identify, assess and engage” potentially violent individuals
before they strike.” Barr first announced this in an official memorandum and therein stated that the program was to be implemented sometime over the course of 2020 and would involve “an efficient, effective and programmatic strategy to disrupt individuals who are deemed to be mobilizing towards violence, by all lawful means.”########
In his memorandum, Barr further notes that the program’s “early engagement tactics” were “born of the posture we adopted with respect to terrorist threats” following the September 11 attacks, essentially stating that this pre-crime program will utilize methods from the “War on Terror” domestically and on a massive scale.#########
Given the context of the current coronavirus crisis, the DOJ’s recent request for sweeping new powers and the role of Main Core in COG plans, one part of Barr’s pre-crime memorandum stands out. In the part of the document where Barr outlines what actions will be taken once an individual is deemed potentially violent or threatening, he writes that those individuals will be subject to detention, court-ordered mental health treatment and electronic monitoring, among other measures.
The possibility of pre-crime detention was also present in the DOJ’s recent request for new “emergency powers” in light of the coronavirus crisis, as it specifically asks that those new powers apply to “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings.” Norman L. Reimer, executive director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, told Politico that the inclusion of the term “pre-arrest” likely means that “you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over.”#########
March 21 2020- The possibility of pre-crime detention was also present in the DOJ’s recent request for new “emergency powers” in light of the coronavirus crisis, as it specifically asks that those new powers apply to “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings.” The inclusion of the term “pre-arrest” likely means that “you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. “#########
March 22 Food and Drug Administration granted Gilead Sciences “orphan” drug status for remdesivir, one of several drugs being tested as potential treatments for the coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19. Having secured orphan drug status, Gilead Sciences can now profit exclusively off the drug for seven years and could block manufacturers from developing generic versions of the drug which might be more accessible to many patients. The company can set price controls on the drug as well as benefiting from grants and tax credits.
The designation was given to a company where Joe Grogan, a member of President Donald Trump’s “coronavirus task force,” worked as a lobbyist from 2011 to 2017, often working on issues regarding drug pricing. The Orphan Drug Act of 1983 was passed to ensure medications for rare diseases can be developed, and was meant to benefit companies which may not recoup their research costs after their drugs are put on the market.
The special orphan designation was given to remdesivir despite hefty support by the government for the development of the drug. Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir was developed with at least $79 million in U.S. government funding.”##########
March 21-Public Health England (PHE) downgraded COVID 19 from a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID), due to relatively low mortality rates#########
March 24- Italy’s high rate of death from COVID-19 (7.2%, vs. 2.3% in China) may be explained by the country’s relatively high proportion of older people, a different definition of coronavirus-related deaths, and approach to testing strategies, according to a commentary yesterday in JAMA.##########
The doctors noted that a report from the World Health Organization-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 Mortality on 2,114 of 55,924 coronavirus-related deaths in China reported a death rate of 21.9% in people 80 years and older (compared with 20.2% in this age-group in Italy).
Italy could also have overestimated COVID-19–related deaths because of the different way its officials define it, classifying the death of anyone who tested positive for the disease as related to the coronavirus, regardless of whether they had underlying illnesses that could have independently led to death.#########
A chart review of 355 COVID-19 patients who died in Italy revealed a high percentage with underlying diseases that could have increased their risk of death independently of the infection, the authors said.
The mean age of the patient subsample was 79.5 years (standard deviation [SD], 8.1), of whom, only 601 (30.0%) were women. Of all patients who died, 117 (30%) had ischemic heart disease, 126 (35.5%) had diabetes, 72 (20.3%) had cancer, 87 (24.5%) had atrial fibrillation, 24 (6.8%) had dementia, and 34 (9.6%) had had a stroke.###########
The mean number of comorbidities was 2.7 (standard deviation, 1.6). Only 3 patients (0.8%) had no underlying diseases, 89 (25.1%) had one, 91 (25.6%) had two, and 172 (48.5%) had three or more.###########<
A change in strategy on Feb 25 that limited testing to patients who had severe signs and symptoms also resulted in a 19.3% positive rate (21,157 of 109,170 tested as of Mar 14) and an apparent increase in the death rate—from 3.1% on Feb 24 to 7.2% on Mar 17—because patients with milder illness were no longer tested, the doctors said.############
March 24th, the CDC revised reporting guidelines for fatalities unique to COVID-19. The guidelines the CDC decided against using had been used successfully since 2003 and were used in the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic########
They instructed physicians, medical examiners, and coroners that COVID-19 would:
• be recorded as the underlying cause of death “more often than not;”
• be recorded as the cause of death listed in Part I of the death certificate even in assumed cases;
• be recorded as the primary cause of death even if the decedent had other chronic comorbidities. All comorbidities for COVID-19 would be listed now in Part II, rather than in Part I as they had been since 2003 for all other causes of death.########
If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.#########
It’s worth noting that Part I of a death certificate is considered the immediate cause of death while Part II is/are the significant conditions NOT relating to the underlying cause(s) in Part I.######<#
Comorbid conditions were always listed on Part I of death certificates as causes of death per the 2003 CDC Handbook.###########
Prior to the March 24th decisions, any comorbidities would have been listed in Part I rather than Part II and initiating factors, like recent infections, would have been listed on the last line in Part I or in Part II.##########<<
On April 14th, the CDC authorized the following guidelines for data collection and reporting which are completely unique for COVID-19 and had never been done before which:
• allowed for ‘Probable’ cases to be counted for hospitalizations, and fatalities ############
Section A5 means you can be classified as a probable case if you have a “subjective” fever (no measurement) and were in an affected area, despite testing negative for Sars-CoV-2 and if you then die of a Heart attack you can be counted as a COVID death.#############
If the 2003 rules were maintained, what would the numbers look like?
Based on comorbidity data compiled from the only 7 states currently publishing this data in a manner that can be analyzed statistically, 90.2% of fatalities had at least 1 comorbidity and therefore these fatalities would not have been counted as COVID-19 fatalities under the 2003 CDC Handbook, but instead are counted based upon the guidelines adopted by the CDC on March 24th and April 14th respectively.##########
So basically they COVID fatalities are inflated by a factor of 10 compared to previous counting methods. By comparison, the 2009 Pandemic which everyone admits was a bust if not a fraud recorded about 12,000 deaths. If Swine Flu deaths were counted like COVID deaths, that number jumps to 120,000. Lockdowns probably account for the slight increase############
As for incentives, hospitals get more bail outs with more cases. Everyone admitted gets tested even w/o symptoms. Positive tests are false positives in at least 30% of cases. This increases confirmed COVID hospitalized cases as well as deaths of those who were admitted for heart attacks, kidney failure, sepsis, etc in patients without COVID symptoms.###########
Hospitals also get reimbursed 20% more for Medicare /Medicaid patients under the CARES act.#########<<
March 29: President Trump extends nationwide social distancing guidelines until April 30.###<##########
April 2 2020-The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on April 2, 2020 that it will not impose penalties for violations of certain provisions of the HIPAA Privacy Rule against health care providers and their business associates for good faith uses and disclosures of patient information intended to assist the government in its efforts to combat COVID-19.##<<<<<<<####
HHS has already released other pronouncements during this pandemic regarding telehealth remote communications, HIPAA requirements related to telemedicine and expanding benefits for Medicare beneficiaries.#############
May 1, 2020-Recognizing the particular impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on hospitals in certain parts of the nation, and that inpatient admissions are a primary driver of costs to hospitals related to COVID-19, HHS is distributing $12 billion to 395 hospitals who provided inpatient care for 100 or more COVID-19 patients through April 10, 2020, $2 billion of which will be distributed to these hospitals based on their Medicare and Medicaid disproportionate share and uncompensated care payments.
These 395 hospitals accounted for 71 percent of COVID-19 inpatient admissions reported to HHS from nearly 6,000 hospitals around the country. ########<<<<
Rural hospitals, many of whom were operating on thin margins prior to COVID-19, have also been particularly devastated by this pandemic. As healthy patients delay care and cancel elective services, rural hospitals are struggling to keep their doors open.
Recipients of the $10 billion rural distribution will include, rural acute care general hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and Community Health Centers located in rural areas.#######<<
Hospitals and RHCs will each receive a minimum base payment plus a percent of their annual expenses. This expense-based method accounts for operating cost and lost revenue incurred by rural hospitals for both inpatient and outpatient services. The base payment will account for RHCs with no reported Medicare claims, such as pediatric RHCs, and CHCs lacking expense data, by ensuring that all clinical, non-hospital sites receive a minimum level of support no less than $100,000, with additional payment based on operating expenses. Rural acute care general hospitals and CAHs will receive a minimum level of support of no less than $1,000,000, with additional payment based on operating expenses.#######<#<#<#<<
May 8, 2020, the CDC has listed specific priorities for when testing should be done. As of May 16, more than 11-million samples have been collected and more than 3700 specimens have not yet been evaluated.########<#<<
High Priority
* Hospitalized patients with symptoms
* Healthcare facility workers, workers in living settings, and first responders with symptoms
* Residents in long-term care facilities or other congregate living settings, including prisons and shelters, with symptoms#########<<
* Persons with symptoms of potential COVID-19 infection, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting or diarrhea, and/or sore throat
* Persons without symptoms who are prioritized by health departments or clinicians, for any reason, including but not limited to public health monitoring, sentinel surveillance, or screening of asymptomatic individuals according to state and local plans.
* ########<<<<
That means virtually everyone can be required to get a test.
And, if you submit to testing, what does a “positive test” actually mean?###########
May 18: Moderna announces interim results from the Phase 1 trial of its mRNA-1273 coronavirus vaccine. The company reports that three out of 15 healthy participants (20%) experienced Grade 3 systemic adverse events following a second dose. (The Merck Manual defines Grade 3 as “severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated; disabling; limiting self care.”)#######<<<<<<
May 18: Discussing the interim results from Moderna’s Phase 1 trial of its mRNA-1273 vaccine—co-developed with NIAID—Dr. Fauci states: “I must warn that there’s also the possibility of negative consequences, where certain vaccines can actually enhance the negative effect of the infection.”#####<<<<<<<<<####
May 22, 2020-Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is announcing it has begun distributing billions in additional relief funds to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to help them combat the devastating effects of this pandemic. Nursing homes play a pivotal role in providing skilled care to our nation’s vulnerable seniors. During this pandemic, nursing homes have faced unique challenges as their population of high risk seniors are more vulnerable to respiratory pathogens like COVID-19. This funding, which supplements previously announced provider relief funds, will be used to support nursing homes suffering from significant expenses or lost revenue attributable to COVID-19.###########
President Trump is providing support to healthcare providers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic through the bipartisan CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act that provide $175 billion in relief funds to hospitals and other healthcare providers on the front lines of the coronavirus response.#######<<<<<#
Since the beginning of 2020, SNFs have experienced up to a 6 percent decline in their patient population (120,000) as current and potential residents choose other care settings, or as current residents pass away.############
May 22, 2020-For the first time, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has given a realistic estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, which in its most likely scenario is 0.26 %##########
May 27, 2020-An incredible 43 percent of coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities (ALF), reports Forbes.
The 2.1 million Americans who live in nursing homes and ALFs represent just 0.62 percent of the population, but a staggering 43 percent of America’s coronavirus deaths.############
May 29, 2020-. More than two-thirds of the patients in Northwell Health facilities hooked to ventilators died in March and early April and the fatality rate was similar at other hospitals.###########
At the beginning of the pandemic, health officials were worried whether there would be a shortage of ventilators to intubate COVID patients with serious breathing and lung problems. But then discussion in the medical community turned to whether the machines were being overused and possibly contributing to a higher death rate.##########
Northwell — which runs Lenox Hill, Long Island Jewish and Staten Island University hospitals, as well as other regional hospitals — is examining a cohort of 12,000 coronavirus patients it treated in March and early April, including about 2,000 who were placed on ventilators.#########
. The alternative mechanism provides more of a risk of spreading the virus to hospital staffers if a patient’s breath spews the virus into the air, he said.
“It puts the nurses and respiratory therapists at risk#########<#
One study found that nearly all of the Northwell COVID patients treated in March and early April had at least one underlying condition in addition to the virus. The average age was 63.
Researchers also found that 37 percent of the more than 5,449 patients treated at Northwell hospitals from March 1 to April 5 developed acute kidney injury or kidney failure. Of those with kidney problems, 35 percent died.##########
June 4, 2020-According to Public Law 116-136, § 18115(a), the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, requires “every laboratory that performs or analyzes a test that is intended to detect SARS- CoV-2 or to diagnose a possible case of COVID-19” to report the results from each such test to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In addition, the statute authorizes the Secretary to prescribe the form and manner, and timing and frequency, of such reporting. This document outlines the requirements for data submission to HHS as authorized under this law.#######<#
######On June 4 CDC issued instructions and requires this be implemented no later than August 20. Information required is not limited to Test results but also name, address, age and race of patient. While the personal information would only be reported to state agencies, you know how that works. #########
2020-I can find no reported deaths among federal officials, congress, state executives, CEO’s of listed companies , or professional athletes in US or famous actors/actresses under age 55########
As of May 22, 5,959 troops have been diagnosed, 161 of whom have been hospitalized, with 3,103 recoveries and two deaths. Thats out of 1.3 million.#########
More employees include over 826,000 National Guard and Reservists from the armed forces, and over 732,000 civilians and unknown number of contractors. Including these and there dependents, or roughly 5 million people in total there have been 33 deaths (basically normalized to 1800 for a population of 300 million) 16 civilians, 9 contractors, 5 defendants, 2 active troops, 1reservist)#####<<<<
2020 June Trump may have pulled funds from the WHO, but that decision allows Gates to take full control of WHO policy. In early June, the Trump administration declared support for the Gates founded GAVI to the tune of a $1.16 billion USD donation. Trump’s support for GAVI came via the first ever virtual Global Vaccine Summit. At this summit GAVI surpassed the goal of $7.4 billion, instead raising $8.8 billion USD and securing commitments from most major nations around the world. GAVI even received a $5 million dollar donation from the Rockefeller Foundation. GAVI stated that the funding will go to “routine immunization programs” and will also help the public-private partnership “play a major role in the rollout of a future Covid-19 vaccine.”###########
One of the shows you were on posed a very interesting question. Why are they pushing so hard and so fast this time, and whats the end game#####
The timing might be accelerated due to the Coming Grand Solar Minimum. One faction of the predatory elite was banking on using Global Warming/Climate Change to force change. A growing awareness the threat was not imminent enough and a coming Little Ice Age meant they needed an accelerator to take us into the 4Th IR at Warp Speed Plus.#######
Richard Willett touched on a couple of very interesting points , if only briefly. Supporters of Hitler and Fourth Reich and a centuries old plot. This requires a longer discussion on the role of Communism and Fascism. I will not go further back into the historical origins which takes us back to Platos Republic -Noble Lie and even further back to Cyrus and Zoroastrianism #######%##
I think one of the major flaws of the Enlightenment was the belief that man could be ruled without laws that were constrained by Natural or Gods laws. As Hitler and Stalin both admitted, their actions were legal based on their countries (mans) laws. The same is true today in US. The constitution has been corrupted by legal precedent########%%##
The belief in Christian values had acted as a great constraint on the ability of the psychopathic predatory elite, which is why they attacked it starting from the 18th century(some might argue as early as the 16th century with Reformation. )#######
In the 19th century there was enormous increase in post-moral cynicism and ruthlessness due to the ideas of Nietzsche and the ideology of Social Darwinism, leading to nationalist-fascist-militarism, “scientific-socialist” Communism and in the middle monopolistic-exploitive capitalism. This set the stage for a century of war and Satanic cruelty. ###%#%%###%
Compounding the problem is the elite are now united by their own Religion. That religion is Transhumanism, an extension of Gnosticism. They are Homeo Deus. We are neanderthals (Homo I) They consider themselves your Gods and our only purpose is to serve them. Those who cant serve or are not needed will be eliminated. #######
G. K. Chesterton had it right, “when people cease to believe in God it is not that they believe in nothing, but that they believe in anything.” #########
The destruction of the belief in the God-man Jesus Christ led to new divination and deification, the pursuit and celebration of the man-god, “homo deus,” and Nietzsche’s conception of the post-moral “Superman.”###.#####
The marriage of the sub-moral Darwinian idea of “survival of the fittest” and Nietzsche’s idea of the post-moral will to power produced a predatory mindset that exists today and is promoting Fascism through the guise of Technocracy and Neoliberalism . Eugenics and Malthusian beliefs are now called Sustainability, Population Control and Genetics #######<<###
Fascism appears to be opposite of Communism but its mostly the same . The Predatory Elite created both. Fascism is typified by totalitarian attempts to impose state control over all aspects of life: political, social, cultural, and economic , and was passed off under the name of Communism by duping the working class and marketing it as workers utopian Marxism. Facsism marketed itself to a working class that embraced Patriotism/Nationalism, Capitalism and Racism ###<#<#####
The original ideals of the left leaning proletariat were subsumed to state control of Capitalists/Production. In fascism you have Capitalist control over state , or Mussolini like Public-Private Partnerships that exploit the working class without the illusion of Marxism , replacing it in the 21st Century with the illusion of Democratic Capitalism or Capitalism with Chinese characteristics. #########
The fascist state regulates and controls (as opposed to nationalizing) the means of production. The only socialism is Corporate Socialism. Fascism exalts the nation or state and corporation as superior to the individuals composing it. Fascism like Communism uses populist rhetoric; calls for a heroic mass effort; and demands loyalty to a single leader or party, often to the point of a cult of personality. ############
After the end of WWII in which we supposedly defeated Fascism, half the World ended up as Communist, including Poland and China which were the alleged reasons we went to War against Germany and Japan. Communism, especially Stalinism (not so much Maoism) was actually more Fascism than Marxism. The democratic half became anti -communists creating the Cold War to prop up the Military and Intelligence Industrial Complex that would subvert Democracy globally and transition it to Fascism.##########
Fascists like Allen Dulles and Bush and Industrialists/Wall Street who had backed Hitler snd admired Mussolini took cover behind anti-Communist propaganda and managed to unite under Neoliberal economics, public private partnerships, and the Business Roundtable using Dark Money and MSM control to control elections and perceptions. .###########
In 1975 Project Democracy (its destruction) planned the disintegration of the US economy and society and implemented under direction of the Trilateral Commission which controlled Government starting with the Carter administration although Ford/Kissinger/Bush laid the foundations (NSSM 200, Swine Flu, Bush privatizing the CIA as the Enterprise). An attempt to formally change the constitution failed and a workaround found with FEMA and Continuity of Government Plans. They finished off the remaining Nationalists over the next 2 decades with Israeli honey traps , wiretaps and PROMIS, and the predators were allowed to seize control of both Parties leadership with Dark Money. By 2000 the Constitution and our Democracy had been Reinvented and sent to the scrap heap with the Chad tainted farce of an election and following up with the criminal 9/11 abomination that symbolically represented the Controlled Demolition of Democracy and the American Dream. The Predatory psychopathic elite were in full control and united in all except for a few details that would be worked out in secrecy.#########
Yet the illusion of Democracy is still strong among the US blue pill takers with its 2 party fake wrestling system . Just as Chinas illusion of Socialism under one party rule. In the US as in China the party (parties) are both controlled by a handful of billionaire globalist predatory elites marching in lockstep under cover of the WEF”s 4Th Industrial Revolution and Agenda 2030 #########
China converted their Communism (Fascism without private ownership) to Fascism in all but name, maintaining authoritarian rule and allowing private ownership, and converting state ownership to private ownership of Party members which are subsidized by the states working class . They are subsidized by the people in the form of taxes , debt and giving up their share of the states profits which previously were paid out in the form of social benefits under Communism ######<<<
At the same time the Soviet Union chose to drop all pretense of Socialism and choose the Wests crypto Fascism, and shortly thereafter Europe would fall to the Fascist European Union that would be dominated by Germany. This was a goal Hitler himself sought to achieve , although Germany now was occupied by the US and the City of London still pulls the strings while staying outside the reach of the EU control.######%%%%
I believe the Fake Cold War being staged between China and US is simply a useful tool for both countries to assume more control over their population by using an external enemy to blame for problems at home and demand more sacrifices while feeding the various Military, Intelligence, Security, Tech industrial Complexes. Maybe they will use a war to effect population reduction by agreeing to rules that will protect the elites property. Like in WWII where miraculously many big German companies who had US partners remained unscathed amid the ruins of population centers, including IG Farbens HQ############<
In truth China and the US/Europe elites are partners the 4th Industrial Revolution that will spawn the New Global Fascist Republic#######<
As for Covid my theory is this was part of the plan for a Global Fascist Republic. A plan thats been evolving and been incrementally directed for at least 250 years. The plan went into its operational phase at Warp Speed , at the the time of the new Millennium. Over this time there has been an acceleration as industry and technology have provided the predator class more tools to ultimately control the world and all its resources and people. SARS and Swine Flu of 2009 were all test runs for COVID. After 2009 the Billionaires club got together, issued Rockefeller’s LockStep plan and Gates announced the Decade of Vaccines. Plans for the next Pandemic as a trigger for more authoritarianism began in earnest.#########
During the 25 year period before the millennium, part of the Predator class and Israel united under a common cause. Global Zionism (GZ) led by the Rothschilds. They also allied with those members of the Predator Class represented by Rockefeller/Soros who were pushing a Global Green Fascist (GGF)agenda, as their mutual goal of economic fascism was compatible with each other. The other differences would be worked out in the coming decades. Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) was a starting point.########
The GZ took control of the 21st Century by stealing the election. They immediately began implementing the PNAC plans with 9/11 setting the stage for the GWOT and dismantling Freedom and Rights. Surrendering your bottled water was the mask equivalent of COVID 1984/2020. Before handing power over to the GGF for 8 years the GZ took down the economy and began the bailouts which would fund the final stage of the Globalist Coup over Democracy. They spent the next 8 years planning and working out a deal with the GGF###########
Global Zionism would be synthesized with Global Green Fascism as a Global Technocratic Green Transhumanist Fascism (GTGTF) otherwise known as a Global Fascist Republic for short . An authoritarian Republic using Tech and AI to allow Transhumanist Leaders control over all individuals not eligible for Homo Deus enhancement. Israel was assured control over Global Security (Mossad) and Justice (Sanhedrin) , and their non-leader citizens would be given a higher status than other non-leaders. Monotheistic religions other than Judaism would be united under Chabads Noachidism, and other religions outside Christian/Islam would be converted to worship and obey Gaia.#######<
The deal was sealed in 2015 with Agenda 2030 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Assurances were given to China, Russia , and others that the US would be broken into 13 separate and sovereign states and forced to pay Reparations so as to appease their populations and gain support for relinquishing their sovereignty. Their populations would not realize that the Predatory Leaders who control the US would also control the Global Government#########
Trump, the King of Bankruptcy and a Deep State Asset since 1987 when PROMIS exposed his crimes and forced him to submit was brought in to Bankrupt America. The Rothschilds Wilbur Ross who bailed Trump out in 1991 would be at his side to ensure the Predators would clean house by stripping the American working class clean to the bones. Trump is the Globalists Trojan Horse, master of rhetoric and deception. As Al Gore invented the internet Trump invented Fake Wrestling and Kayfabe and is the new Cyrus for Israel and Global Zionism##########
The 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Mother of all Resets which will begin in 2021 will mark a 10 year transition to 2030 when the dreams of the Globalists will be achieved. By 2025 according to Deagle.com the US population will be 99 million#########
Americans will go meekly and submit to their fate. Most have lost the capacity for thought and overcome by insanity and cognitive dissonance. One reason is we no longer seem to have a moral compass. Christian values have been replaced by a perverted secular humanism on the left and a Judaized Christianity on the right that is focused more on Old Testament teachings and a vengeful God than the Christian New Testaments teachings to “Love Your Neighbor”. At the top the Predatory Elites Gnostocism or Atheism has evolved into Transhumanism , and those who lead are successful sociopaths who have no empathy . They look at themselves as Homo Deus whereas the rest of us are considered no better Neanderthals were to the original Homo Sapiens.
We will suffer the same fate as the neanderthals. They see us as subhuman and a virus on the Earth. The cute and athletic ones will be kept as sex slaves and sports entertainment ###############
Looking back on our Dedication to Israel one cant help note connections to Chabad and the late Rebee Schneerson . Every year he is given a holiday by an annual Presidential Declaration called Education Day since 1978. Schneerson preached the need to have non – Jews follow Noahide Law . In 1991 Bush signed a Congressional Declaration stating America was founded on the principles of Noahide Law. There is no mention of Noahide Law in the Christian Bible, only Mosaic Law. Interesting.########
Chabad and the Schneersons were rescued from the War Zone during WWII when US and Germany cooperated to bring them to the US. Another interesting story. #######
More recently after becoming President Putin appointed Chabad’s Rabbi Lazar from Brooklyn as Chief Rabbi of Russia, at the direction of his favorite oligarchs Abramovitch and Leviev . They are both close to the Kushners and are also Chabad members and supporters. Indeed Trumps business partners at Bayrock were Chabad supporters including intelligence asset Felix Sater. #######
Chabad has been called Evangelical Judaism although it does not seek converts from non-Jews. It seeks to attract secular Jews in cities all over the world. One might say they are promoters of Global Zionism. They are also involved in creating a religion for non Jews (starting in Texas and Philippines) called Noachidism following Noahide Laws and subservient to Judaism.########
Not really sure what to make of all that, but it seems interesting. Especially when you dig down to some of the beliefs about different quality souls.#########