Eva Bartlett
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Eva Bartlett Interview – Gaza, Syria And North Korea: The Truth Behind The Lies

In a time of universal deceit, telling the Truth Is truly a revolutionary act, and that has never been more apparent than in today’s hyper-partisan climate, where facts no longer hold sway, and one’s opinion is now only as strong as the crowd that surrounds it. It has been conditioned over many years into the masses that the way they feel, is now more important than the facts at hand.

Now some may say that is a good thing, that information is so manipulated today, that all we have is the way we feel, our gut instincts. But once we realize that our feelings have long been programmed and manufactured by way of news media and entertainment, the very feelings we are now being told to trust, we begin to see the long-term agenda at play — the manufactured consent of the masses. So it has never been more important to question everything, to trust in facts, to trust in what we can prove, as we in the independent media must do better, we must be better, or we will wake up down the line, and realize that we have become the very thing we once despised. And no one embodies the journalistic integrity that is all but absent in MSM today, more so than Eva Bartlett.

Eva is, in my opinion, one of the last surviving investigative journalists. She has made a name for herself as an independent writer and rights activist by traveling to places such as Gaza, Syria, and North Korea, and revealing to the world the stark contrast between want we are told is happening there, and what is actually taking place:


Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

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