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Congresswoman Proposes Radical Solution to Refugee Crisis, “Stop Arming Terrorists”

US Representative Tulsi Gabbard is proving to be quite the thorn in the side of the establishment warmongers. In January, Gabbard went on a secret trip to Syria to investigate first hand and to find the truth that the corporate media is covering up about the Syrian war. Since then, this brave congresswoman has remained steadfast in her mission to show Americans how their tax dollars are funding terrorism in the Middle East.

In a press conference this week, Gabbard called on President Trump to “end the regime change in Syria,” adding that this is what is causing the refugee crisis.

“The most important question is, how do we address the cause of these people fleeing their homes,” Gabbard stated before pointing to a bill that she’s submitted to Congress this year that would help in solving this problem.

The bill’s premise to stop the refugee crisis is quite simple — stop arming the terrorists.

“Stop Arming Terrorists Act,” or HR 608, would ban the use of US taxpayers’ funds to aid terrorist groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda or Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

“For years, our government has been providing both direct and indirect support to these armed militant groups, who are working directly with or under the command of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, all in their effort and fight to overthrow the Syrian government,” Gabbard said in an interview Wednesday.

During her visit to Syria in January, Gabbard met with refugees and victims of the US-backed Syrian regime change, who all asked the same question — why is the US funding terrorism.

“I’ll tell you what I heard from the Syrian people that I met with, Jake, walking down the street in Aleppo, in Damascus, hearing from them.

They expressed happiness and joy at seeing an American walking through their streets. But they also asked why the U.S. and its allies are providing support and arms to terrorist groups like al-Nusra, al-Qaida or al-Sham, ISIS who are on the ground there, raping, kidnapping, torturing and killing the Syrian people.

They asked me, why is the United States and its allies supporting these terrorist groups who are destroying Syria when it was al-Qaeda who attacked the United States on 9/11, not Syria. I didn’t have an answer for them,” Gabbard said, noting the clear dismay the average Syrian has for the U.S. support of al-Qaeda – a proposition which every American should equally question.

“The reality is… every place that I went, every person that I spoke to, I asked this question to them, and without hesitation, they said, there are no moderate rebels. Who are these moderate rebels that people keep speaking of?

Regardless of the name of these groups, the strongest fighting force on the ground in Syria is al Nusra, or al-Qaeda and ISIS. That is a fact,” Gabbard said.

As pro-war neocons — consistently beating the war drum in spite of never actually spending any time in the military — lash out at Gabbard for her Syrian trip and proposed legislation, other members of Congress, who’ve actually been in the military (like Gabbard), are showing their full support of the bill.

Representative Tom Garrett (R-Virginia), a US Army veteran, is one of those supporters who said that the goal in Syria should be peace.

“Tulsi understands that arming the so-called ‘rebels’ in Syria has only led to more bloodshed, more suffering, and created more refugees,” Tima Kurdi said in a statement on Tuesday. “A military solution in Syria is not the answer. I hope that President Trump will stop arming terrorists and commit to a political solution in Syria—it is the only way to restore peace.”

Matt Agorist
Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Matt is the founder of The Free Thought Project.

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