WikiLeaks Domestic Policy Government Hacktivism Politics Social Change Technology Top News

Is The Trump Administration Reversing Support For WikiLeaks?

After months of public support for WikiLeaks, President Trump’s administration is now considering punishing WikiLeaks for the release of leaked CIA documents. “I love WikiLeaks.” That’s how presidential candidate Donald Trump described his feelings for the anti-secrecy organization at a rally in October 2016. Trump was celebrating WikiLeaks for their release of documents leaked from the Democratic National Read More…

Propaganda Government Politics Top News WikiLeaks

Ex-CIA Boss Blames Millennials for Wave of Damning Government Leaks

The CIA’s chickens have come home to roost as distrust of the agency swells amid recent revelations from WikiLeaks regarding the agency’s extensive spying and hacking practices. Rather than examining the problems inherent to the CIA’s extensive power to hack into smart phones, for example, the government has focused its efforts on a quest to Read More…

Politics Foreign Policy Government Military Top News

Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Stop Further U.S. Ground Invasion of Syria

‘It is our constitutional duty as members of Congress to place a check on the executive branch in matters of war and peace.’ In response to the Pentagon’s deployment of about 400 American ground troops to Syria, U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) is introducing a bill Friday that would block the Defense Department from putting any more Read More…

North Korea
World Article Revival cyberwarfare Featured Foreign Policy Government Military Politics Top News

The North Korean Nuclear Cha-cha-cha

There are few events in geopolitics so metronomically dependable you could dance to them, but the North Korean nuclear situation is one of them. It’s a military exercise cha cha cha and a nuclear testing cha cha cha. It’s a tightening sanctions cha cha cha and a “Death To America!” cha cha cha. Still, as Read More…

Top News Foreign Policy Government Military Politics World

Hundreds of US Boots On The Ground In Syria

A number of leading outlets, including the New York Times, are now reporting that the U.S. is sending more and more ground troops into Syria. According to the New York Times, the U.S. just sent an additional 400 troops to Syria to help prepare for a looming fight in Raqqa, ISIS’ supposed capital in Syria. The majority of Read More…

deep state
Revolution Conspiracy Government Politics Top News

The Conflict Within The Deep State Just Broke Into Open Warfare

The battle raging in the Deep State isn’t just a bureaucratic battle – it’s a war for the soul, identity and direction of the nation. When do the unlimited powers of the Intelligence/Security agencies threaten America’s domestic and global national interests? The CIA and its political enablers claim the agency’s essentially unlimited powers, partially revealed Read More…