A compilation of in-depth research articles for those seeking to expand their minds and open themselves to a different point of view. Each topic is researched by one of our journalists over the course of an extended period of time, using both open source investigative information and archived documentation on the subject, in order to provide an objective view on many different subjects that are rife with controversy and or contrasting perspectives. The goal is to provide some clarity on these subjects and allow the reader a base from which to develop one’s one perspective and initiate one’s own research.

World Business Conspiracy Expand Your Mind... Featured Foreign Policy Government Politics Psychological Operations Top News

The Israeli Plan To Capitalize On Syria’s Civil War

Israel has revealed a new plan to help rebuild war-torn Syria – with the ultimate goal of securing massive stores of natural resources. The plan would rely on significant investment from the U.S., a financial burden that will likely fall hardest on the shoulders of the American public. When the United States or any other Read More…

Foreign Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Military Politics Social Change Top News World

Ron Paul: Are We Fighting Terrorism, Or Creating It?

How long until we accept that “collateral damage” is just another word for “murder”? When we think about terrorism we most often think about the horrors of a Manchester-like attack, where a radicalized suicide bomber went into a concert hall and killed dozens of innocent civilians. It was an inexcusable act of savagery and it Read More…

World Conspiracy Expand Your Mind... Featured Foreign Policy Government History Immigration Military Politics Psychological Operations Social Change Top News

Israel’s Yinon Plan, Saudi Wahhabism & US Wars: Arab Christians Pushed Into Mass Exodus

“The real danger lies in whether the Christian world loses the last early Christians…the last ancient souls of the earth.” Such is the dire prediction by one writer regarding the ongoing exodus of Arab Christians from the Middle East – an exodus triggered by Western neo-colonialism and Zionist expansion that suits the military-industrial complex. In Read More…

TLAV Political Roundtable Article of the week Conspiracy Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Foreign Policy Government Military Podcast Politics Ryan Cristian Social Change Top News World

A Racist Equality Movement, Seth Rich Truth And The Destabilizing Gift Of “Democracy”

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSSThe US invaded Iraq under the false pretense that it had something to do with 9/11, and continued that invasion under the false pretense of WMDs … and left it as a war-torn terrorist controlled state. The US invaded Afghanistan under the false pretense of “spreading democracy,” Read More…

Foreign Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Military Politics Top News World

American Foreign Policy is a Trainwreck

Over the last several years, figuring out whose side America is fighting on in Iraq and Syria has not been easy, but in recent weeks that task has become impossible. Instead of hedging bets on a prospective victor in either conflict, the U.S. is apparently content to back all sides. Shipments of American weapons to Read More…