A compilation of in-depth research articles for those seeking to expand their minds and open themselves to a different point of view. Each topic is researched by one of our journalists over the course of an extended period of time, using both open source investigative information and archived documentation on the subject, in order to provide an objective view on many different subjects that are rife with controversy and or contrasting perspectives. The goal is to provide some clarity on these subjects and allow the reader a base from which to develop one’s one perspective and initiate one’s own research.

Top News Conspiracy Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Politics Social Change World

US Gov’t Proves Loyalty To ISIS As Bill To ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ Gets Only 13 Supporters

One of the most rational bills ever proposed, barring the Feds from giving money and weapons to child murdering terrorists, has almost ZERO support. For the last several decades, the US government has openly funded, supported, and armed various terrorist networks throughout the world to forward an agenda of destabilization and proxy war. It is Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Politics Ryan Cristian WikiLeaks

Watch The Missing OAN Seth Rich Report That Mysteriously Vanished From The Internet

Even in this time of overt propaganda and general disregard for individual rights, especially when it suits the empire, we all must take comfort in the fact that not everyone is lost. That is indeed the image that most have when considering either the media, or any government body, that anyone involved has, to one Read More…

TLAV Political Roundtable Article of the week Censorship Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Foreign Policy Government Health History Podcast Police State Politics Revolution Ryan Cristian Social Change Top News World

Feelings Over Facts: The Social Engineering Of America And Its Business Of War

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS“The United States does not have a national health care system worthy of the name, because it is in the war business, not the health business or the social equality business…War is not a side issue in the United States; it Read More…

killed by
Police State Conspiracy Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Human Rights Politics Propaganda Social Change Top News

You Are 47 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Cop Than By An Islamic Terrorist

You are 47 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by an Islamic terrorist. This was the ratio in America as of June 7, 2017. Between January 1 and June 7 of this year, 11 Americans were killed by people classified here as Islamic terrorists whereas 520 were killed by cops. These Read More…

Foreign Policy Conspiracy Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Military Politics Psychological Operations Top News World

Syria, Iran And N. Korea: Will Trump Attempt To Finish The Neocon Hitlist?

In Donald Trump’s short time in office, he has already shown his propensity to use military force. From dropping the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used on Afghanistan, to launching 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Iraq (oh wait, Syria), there is no doubt that the Trump administration has a prominent militaristic streak. But is this just Read More…

Free speech
Constitutional Rights Censorship Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Featured Government Social Change Top News

Hate Speech Vs. Free Speech: A Critical Analysis By Constitutional Law Expert Sujit Choudhry

Since its inception as America’s founding political document, there have been 27 amendments to the United States Constitution. Even the most adept scholars can rarely name and define each one. Many amendments are obscure and deal with legal nuances like changes in representation and how to handle US citizens who come into a foreign title Read More…