Politics Conspiracy Government Top News WikiLeaks

Three More DNC Officials Out Amid Email Scandal

Interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile apologized for what she called ‘insensitive and inappropriate emails.’ Three top Democratic National Committee (DNC) officials have stepped down in the wake of the email scandal that has already forced the ouster of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. CEO Amy Dacey, communications director Luis Miranda, and chief financial officer (CFO) Read More…

Foreign Policy Conspiracy Government History Politics Top News World

The Mainstream Media Has a Plan to Stop ISIS — but There’s Just One Problem

A recent article from the Guardian by Natalie Nougayrede, former executive editor and managing editor of French newspaper Le Monde, is another blatant attempt by the corporate media to pin all the blame for the Syrian crisis on the Syrian regime, as opposed to other powerful, meddling forces at play in Syria. Nougayrede’s main thesis is that Read More…

Revolution Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Police State Social Change Top News

Independent Media Heads to New York to Confront NBC Over MSM Lies

During the chaos of breaking news events like the failed coup in Turkey last month, reliable, factual accounts of what is happening on the ground are especially important. If the MSM had reported that President Erdogan had been killed or captured by the coup faction, for instance, or that he had fled the country, that Read More…

WikiLeaks Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Revolution Top News World

WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, claimed during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) that, “We have more material related to the Hillary Clinton campaign.” Staying true to their word, WikiLeaks, with one simple tweet, dropped another bomb on the Clinton campaign – one so damaging it will almost surely be ignored by the mainstream media. The Read More…

Conspiracy Government Politics Social Change Top News

The New York Times Just Accidentally Proved U.S. Elections are Illegitimate

The New York Times published an interesting analysis Monday morning that showed only 9 percent of the country voted for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the primary elections. That figure counts all citizens of the U.S., including children and felons — neither of whom have the right to vote. When counting only eligible voters, Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Featured Government Police State Politics

FBI Opts To Investigate Source Of DNC Leaks, Rather Than Rigged Primary

For those not up to speed with the circus surrounding the 2016 presidential race, here’s a quick summary of one of the biggest developments in the last week and a half. On July 22nd, Wikileaks leaked emails showing top figures of the Democratic National Committee worked to knock Bernie out of the primary and manipulate Read More…