Technology Business Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Police State Social Change Top News

Voice-Activated Smart Home Technology Used To Make Arrest In Assault Case

A new type of court case is slowly but demonstrably taking shape within the American legal system: alleged crimes being detected from data supplied by smart home devices. In December of last year an Arkansas murder case made headlines not so much for the death itself, but how a suspect was brought into custody. James Bates hosted Read More…

Top News Business Entertainment Propaganda

CNN’s Ratings Collapse As Primetime Shows Draw Less Viewers Than Re-Runs Of “Yogi Bear”

A series of fake news articles (see here, here and here), blackmail of anonymous Reddit users who had the audacity to poke fun at them and a couple of undercover videos from Project Veritas revealing CNN producers admitting their own news is “mostly bullshit,” seems to be taking a toll on CNN’s ratings. As The Federalist notes in the table below, for the week Read More…

Politics Business Expand Your Mind... Foreign Policy Government Top News World

This Is the Real Reason Why the US Wants War Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Though on the campaign trail Donald Trump bragged about making America great again (MAGA™) and creating jobs for 25 million ordinary Americans, most people may be surprised to learn that his foreign policy, in particular, will provide jobs and wealth for the American markets. Unfortunately, those jobs will materialize in America’s fracking industry, which has been waiting Read More…

Health Business Domestic Policy Government Politics Top News

Healthcare Breaks Washington – And Both Parties Are To Blame

Developed countries around the world enjoy universal healthcare while Americans struggle with inadequate coverage. While many are quick to scapegoat Republicans for this problem, Democrats – and the Big Pharma companies that fund them – are just as much to blame. WASHINGTON, D.C.– The latest for-profit healthcare scheme – which is set to line countless pockets Read More…

new Jersey
Government Domestic Policy Economy Finance Politics Top News

Chris Christie Announces New Jersey Government Shutdown, Orders State Of Emergency

Illinois, Maine, Connecticut: the end of the old fiscal year and the failure of numerous states to enter the new one with a budget, means that some of America’s most populous states have seen their local governments grind to a halt overnight until some spending agreement is reached. Now we can also add New Jersey to this Read More…

Military Business Conspiracy Domestic Policy Expand Your Mind... Foreign Policy Government Politics Top News World

Why Has Washington Been At War For 16 Years?

For sixteen years the US has been at war in the Middle East and North Africa, running up trillions of dollars in expenses, committing untold war crimes, and sending millions of war refugees to burden Europe, while simultaneously claiming that Washington cannot afford its Social Security and Medicare obligations or to fund a national health service Read More…