There is a serious problem lurking in the jungle rivers of Colombia – a menace that was left in the wake of one of the world’s most infamous criminals, to torment and afflict the country that murdered him. It is a strange, and terrifying byproduct of a historic drug cartel; one final gift from the Read More…
Will Brendza
The Precipice of Galactic Change – Mysterious Space Signal Puts Scientists on Hunt for Extraterrestrial Life
While the American political system devolves before the watchful eyes of the world, while the Middle East continues their out-of-control spiral into violence and Kim Jong Un has his own men blown away with anti-aircraft guns, a group of scientists specializing in the search for intelligent, extraterrestrial life uncovered a puzzling, and altogether unexpected message Read More…
The Business of Cancer – Doctors Discovered Dead After Promoting Holistic Cure for Cancer
Cancer has become one of mankind’s greatest challenges. Despite years of research and virtually bottomless funding, the disease remains a mystery, the cure elusive. If there is any cause that is sure to generate profit, and stir people’s emotions, cancer is it. The quest for a cure has become a multi-billion dollar industry, a pursuit Read More…
A Spiral into Malady – The Harbinger Case of Zombie Anthrax in Siberia
Beneath the surface of the earth, in the far north, where winters freeze the land to its bones, lies a vast field of biological landmines waiting to be triggered and release their hazardous cargo. They are remnants of bygone eras that have remained dormant for centuries – until recently, that is. It sounds like science Read More…
A Cyber Hydra – Computer Hackers and the Future
Since the creation of the Turing machine in 1936 human beings have been on a strange trajectory. Computers changed history, granting us super-human abilities to calculate, communicate, formulate, and educate. They are perhaps the most functional and diverse tools ever created by man. And we have come to depend on the services they provide for Read More…
Augmented Reality Gaming – The Trojan Horse of Our Digital Age
Amidst one of the most widespread and intense outbreaks of violence in the US, as civilians are being murdered by aggressive police, and police are gunned down by angry civilians, as protests fill the streets, and our criminal presidential candidates clamor to make promises about gun control and police training and peaceful protest, something happened Read More…