Hundreds of years before the founding of the United States of America, Christopher Columbus set sail with high hopes for his voyage. Inscribed on his ships was the phrase, “Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.” Now, perhaps more than ever, we have need to leave the “Old World” yet again. Read More…
Measured Words
Szamor “Z” Williams attended Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina from which he received Bachelor's Degrees in Philosophy and Communication Studies. While in South Carolina he also received his 200 level ryt yoga teaching certification under the direction of Allison Lindquist. After relocating to the Western Slope of Colorado he studied Solar Photovoltaics and Marketing while invading the airwaves as a radio morning host on the Vault 100.7.
An avid learner, he has completed numerous leadership and sales training courses across the country, including Klemmer & Associates as well as Dale Carnegie training. Under the tutelage of Sifu Glen Bullock, as both a lifestyle and a passion, he practices and is an assistant instructor in multiple styles of traditional Chinese martial arts. Among other styles he trains in Chen and Yang Style Tai Chi Ch’uan, Northern Shaolin Kung Fu, Wing Chun, and Hung Gaar. He has a natural wanderlust, so when he is not writing poetry and fictional literature, he hikes (and gets lost in the mountains), watches documentaries, plays bass guitar, and embraces his inner foodie by making his own wine and exploring different delicatessens.
He took the pen-name “S.Z. Amor”, representative of his philosophy that love and fear are humanity’s two most basic motivational forces and everyone should “Seek Zealously to Love”. Next he founded his organization Measured Words LLC. His mission is to engage concepts that influence current global realities through education and the written word. That is why he takes great pleasure and pride in writing for
Mental Colonialism: Addressing Misguided Ideals In the 21st Century
“Violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women, which have led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full advancement of women… violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate Read More…