Pursuing the truth with the deepest earnest. My interests have lead me to a large range of topics most notably in spirituality and consciousness, the true political state of the world, optimizing health and fitness and everything else in between. Through deep analysis, artistic endeavors and a mixture of the two, I hope to help push the wave of alternative truth more forward. :) Feel free to interact with me through maseeh@collective-evolution.com. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing" – Edmund Burke
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How Rich People Are Using Philanthropy As A Disguise

Society is made up of the collaborated efforts of people in the form of institutions. Institutions are investments people put in, and those with the most power to invest have the greatest influence on society. Behind The Mask Of the Cabal Despite the seeming equality we have achieved, the rich elite haven’t gone anywhere. They Read More…