A former “chief propagandist” for the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), now turned cannabis advocate, made startling comments at the recent Marijuana for Medical Professionals Conference in Denver, Colorado. There, Belita Nelson described what many of us suspected – the DEA is corrupt to the bone and full of lies. “Marijuana is safe, we know it Read More…
Justin Gardner
25 Lies About Cannabis on the DEA Website — Refuted by the DEA Itself in 2016
With eight states legalizing recreational cannabis and 26 other states legalizing medical cannabis use, federal government is the biggest obstacle to freedom – despite more and more U.S. lawmakers pushing for medical access and even complete decriminalization. By far the biggest obstruction to a fact-based approach to cannabis is the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Read More…
Landmark State Court Ruling Says THC in Blood is NOT Sufficient Grounds for DUI
Phoenix, AZ – A Court of Appeals in Phoenix delivered a ruling on Thursday that could set a precedent as legal systems grapple with the question of driving under the influence of cannabis. “Medical marijuana users cannot be convicted of driving while under the influence of the drug absent proof that they were actually impaired, the state Read More…
Uncovered Emails Raise Suspicions of Oil Company Paying Police for DAPL Crackdown
December 5 will be a fateful day in the saga of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests, as the Army Corps of Engineers announced they will close all lands north of the Cannonball River, which includes the Oceti Sakowin protest camp. We can expect that the camp will be forcibly cleared and protesters evicted by the same Read More…
Army Major Says “Everything’s in Place” to Round Up Antiwar Dissenters for Military Detention
While mainstream media has dutifully echoed the U.S. government narrative that Russia is to blame for increasing tensions, The Free Thought Project has reported on the numerous ways in which the U.S. has actually been the provocateur. Earlier in 2016, a U.S. military official said the U.S. “needs and wants Russia as an enemy,” which was followed Read More…
Kansas Refusing To Enforce Marijuana Prohibition
When Colorado took the historic step of restoring freedom by legalizing the recreational use of cannabis, neighboring prohibitionist states became desperate. Oklahoma and Nebraska filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court against Colorado, seeking to have federal government stamp out the legalization movement. Thankfully, the court denied the challenge, although the states can still Read More…