Mike Pompeo continues to lead the propaganda push to get the public panicking about an Iran “nuclear breakout” even when all evidence shows that Iran is nowhere near capable of being a nuclear threat. Of course many other countries have far more robust nuclear programs, but because it’s Iran we have to come together as Read More…
Activist Post
Revealed: Breathalyzer Test Is “Fake Science” — What’s NOT Fake Today?
So much of what we are confronted with in the mainstream media and from government sources is fake. So much so, that the question should be: what is NOT fake? Apparently, the science behind the much-touted breathalyzer used by police to nab drunk drivers ALSO can be added to the list of fakery. Given how Read More…
TSA Announces “Biometrics Vision For All Commercial Aviation Travelers”
Activist Post Editor’s Note: As we’ve been covering for some time, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has a mandate that’s been 15 years in the making to integrate government databases for ID verification. The plan always has been to make this a requirement for passengers, and it has started rolling out in select areas. Furthermore, private companies have Read More…
New York’s Constitution-Free Zone Leading To Warrantless Bus Searches And Detentions
An increasing number of people are becoming exposed to the fact that they reside within a “Constitution-Free Zone,” as it has been dubbed by the ACLU for many years. In fact, it is estimated that 200 million people (2/3 of the populace) are likely to have their 4th Amendment protections completely disregarded by border patrol, Read More…
15 Years of War: To Whose Benefit?
As for Iraq, the implicit gain was supposed to be access to Iraqi oil. Setting aside the 12 years of “no fly zone” air combat operations above Iraq from 1991 to 2003, the U.S. has been at war for almost 17 years in Afghanistan and 15 years in Iraq. (If the word “war” is too upsetting, Read More…
Papers Please: “Daily Citizenship Checks” On Buses Across Maine Highlight Constitution-Free Zone
Still unknown to much of the U.S. population is the fact that they reside within a “Constitution-Free Zone,” as it has been dubbed by the ACLU for many years. In fact, it is estimated that 200 million people (2/3 of the populace) are likely to have their 4th Amendment protections completely disregarded by border patrol, Read More…