Millions Of Bees Dead After South Carolina Aerial Zika Spraying Despite Toxicity Knowledge

“Nuked” bees. A little known aerial, pesticide spraying campaign in South Carolina led to a devastating instant mass bee death… Zika virus hysteria has now reached untold heights. First it was the morbid but questionable association with microcephaly, the strange timing of releasing genetically engineered mosquitoes, vaccine development at break-neck speed, and officials going door-to-door Read More…

Brazil Health Officials: Zika Virus Is Not Responsible For Rise In Birth Defects, It’s Something Else

Fear surrounding the threat of Zika virus has plagued the media, and its steady spread across Latin America and Pacific island nations — along with its inevitable arrival in parts of the continental U.S. — has many worried. The mysterious virus, suspected of causing birth defects, has provoked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to update its Read More…

Before America Wanted to Eradicate Them, the U.S. Military was Weaponizing the Zika Mosquito

After months of anticipation, the Zika virus has finally arrived to the continental U.S., with 15 non-travel cases being reported in Florida as of August 2. The virus is carried primarily by a species of mosquito called Aedes aegypti. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued its first-ever warning for within the U.S., urging pregnant women to Read More…

Zika Psyop To Justify Releasing Millions Of Bill Gates’ GM Mosquitoes In Florida

Classic Hegelian dialectic: we are seeing a ridiculous level of fearmongering over what has predominantly been a benign virus for decades right on cue to justify the proposed “emergency” release of millions of billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates’ $20 million genetically modified mosquitoes on a strongly opposed public in what will essentially be a giant science Read More…

Florida To Spray Residents Like Bugs Over Zika — With A Chemical That Ironically Reduces Fetal Brain Size In Studies

The Zika psyop continues… An aerial insecticide spraying campaign began at dawn this morning in Florida to kill mosquitoes that might be infected with the Zika virus. The spray will cover a 10-mile area in Miami. Health officials claim that the chemical to be sprayed, an organophosphate neurotoxin called Naled, is “safe” to breathe and Read More…