In the “fog of diplomacy” in 2003, a mirage of WMDs was conjured up to sweep the Bush administration, its media echo chamber, and the U.S. into the disastrous fog of the Iraq War. Now the same neocon cabal has set its sights on Iran, beginning with the nuclear deal now in Trump’s crosshairs. With Read More…
Tag: WMD
Putin Declares Syria Gas Attack a ‘False Flag,’ Says More Are Coming
A report just released by state-run media says Russian President Vladimir Putin has received credible information an additional chemical ‘attack’ similar to the gruesome incident last week will be carried out to, once again, frame the Syrian government — and it, too, will be a false flag. In a joint press conference with Italian President Read More…
Syria: Trump’s Bush-Obama WMD Remix
The United States finds its increasingly clumsy, circular foreign policy looping back once again to accusations of “weapons of mass destruction” being inexplicably used against a civilian population, this time in Syria’s northern city of Idlib currently serving as the de facto capital of terrorist organizations including various Al Qaeda affiliates, most notably the US Read More…
Evidence of Bush And Blair Planning Saddam WMD Lies One Year Before Attacking Iraq
The illegal invasion of Iraq was plotted behind closed doors an entire year before it happened, leaked emails have revealed. A memo from then Secretary of State Colin Powell to George W Bush, published by, outlined how Tony Blair agreed to support a US-led ‘intervention’ in Iraq. This was months before the false ‘Saddam Hussein has Read More…