Based on what we already know about the proposed Trump tax reform, which can be summarized as follows: collapse the seven individual income tax rates to three (12, 25, and 35 percent), increase the standard deduction, eliminate personal exemptions, increase the child tax credit, eliminate most itemized deductions, repeal the individual and corporate alternative minimum Read More…
Tag: wealth inequality
America’s Oligarchs Will Control 70% Of National Wealth By 2021
A new study by the Boston Consulting Group has found that while wealth inequality is growing on a global scale, it has kicked into overdrive in the United States – where America’s 1% are expected to control 70 percent of the nation’s private wealth by the year 2021. America’s rich just won’t quit getting richer, Read More…
Economic Reality: Bottom 50% Of Americans No Longer Matter
The Fed likes to brag about the “We saved the world” recovery. However, the unfortunate truth of the matter is a record Half of American Families Live Paycheck to Paycheck. Does it Matter? Let’s investigate. Unprepared for Nearly Anything 50% are woefully unprepared for a financial emergency. Nearly 1 in 5 (19%) Americans have nothing set Read More…
This One Photo of the Olympics Sums Up Everything Wrong With Society
The 31st Olympic summer games are underway in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and thousands of athletes and spectators from around the world have gathered for the event which will serve as prime time entertainment for the next couple of weeks. Every four years an insane amount of money is dumped into the spectacle as host Read More…
Standing on Backs of Global Poor, Filthy Rich Getting Even Filthier
‘For every person with more than $30 million, there are over 4800 people living in extreme poverty.’ The wealth gap keeps growing as the world’s richest get richer at the expense of the poor, according to a new study released this week by an alliance of major organizations. The World Wealth Report from Oxfam, Greenpeace, and Read More…
As Wealthy Surge, U.S. Poor and Middle Class Income Has Gone Backward
Poorer households saw their income drop from a median of $26,373 in 1999 to $23,811 in 2014, according to new research Middle and low-income households in the U.S. made less money in 2014 than they did in 1999 as the middle class lost ground in almost 90 percent of the country’s metropolitan areas, a new Read More…