As the anniversary is shortly upon us, we decided to revisit footage captured from live local media broadcasts on the morning of September 11, 2001. On September 11, the nation watched in horror live as the second plane slammed into the World Trade Center, then later both towers collapsed into their own footprints live; essentially, Read More…
Tag: Truthstream media
A Talking Cricket, A Self-Writing Quill, And The Coming Hive Mind
Many of the high-tech applications we see today that focus on the human brain have their roots before they ever became science fiction, then science reality. Melissa Dykes covers how the ideas created by elite occultists work their way through popular culture and into the daily news. Aaron & Melissa Dykes are the founders Read More…
The Even Older Plan For World Government You’ve Never Heard Of
This little-known organization is older than the United Nations and The League of Nations. In fact, it appears to be the first world government group that appeared in the modern era. Aaron Dykes covers the history of their plan. Roosevelt, Edith K. “Little Known World Parliament Group Pushes Along” Tallahassee Democrat, Sun, Oct 7, 1962… Read More…
While Everyone Was Busy Being Distracted By Made-For-TV Mass Shootings…
Aaron and Melissa Dykes explain what is happening behind the scenes while the media obsessed about more alleged mass shootings. You ready for more war?
Eerie Predictions In Vegas … Cui Bono?
Melissa and Aaron Dykes go on a deep dive and discover some very interesting forum discussions leading up to the Las Vegas shooting that specifically reference Las Vegas, as well as a larger agenda that is labeled “high incident project.” This agenda aims to train the American public to believe that even places with ultra Read More…
A 1971 News Broadcast Admits Flu Vaccine Ineffective, Even Harmful, Yet Still Government Recommended
In this video, Aaron Dykes covers a shocking news clip from 1971 about vaccines. Today the corporate media doesn’t dare report anything like this. Yet, even back then, it was laced with propaganda.