On Friday, the world erupted in chaos after President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order suspending entry into the United States for people traveling from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. These seven countries originally came from the Obama administration and were labeled as “countries of concern.” “There were further travel restrictions already Read More…
Tag: travel
This Pre-Fab Tiny Home Can Travel Anywhere Its Owners Go
This tiny home has been outfitted with off-grid capabilities and can be deconstructed for transport in as little as 4 hours. Tiny homes are all the rage nowadays, but few allow their owners to live a mobile lifestyle like an RV or renovated bus might. To present an alternative solution, Estonian design collective Kodasema created KODA, a tiny Read More…
Why Americans Need to Travel the World
Backpacking can mean many things, but the idea of embarking on an open-ended journey into new unexplored lands, living minimally through a backpack and one’s own instincts, is the basic premise. People don’t always get it, as it doesn’t fall anywhere in society’s predestined plan: high school, college, real job, marriage, house, kids, and death. Read More…