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Damning Investigation Shows Big Pharma Bribed 68,000 Doctors To Push Deadly Opioids

More than 68,000 doctors received payments in excess of $46 million — in the span of just 29 months — from goliath pharmaceutical corporations pushing opioid painkillers, researchers in a groundbreaking investigation of Big Pharma and the epidemic of legal and illicit opiates plaguing the United States. (TFTP) Money to push opioids found one doctor Read More…

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Trouble For Big Pharma As Nearly 50% Of People Report Quitting Pills For CBD

According to a recent survey conducted by cannabis market research firm the Brightfield Group and HelloMD, an online medical cannabis community, nearly half of CBD (cannabidiol) users give up prescription drugs and over the counter medications in favor of the non-psychoactive substance. The survey of over 2,400 respondents found forty-two percent of CBD users — whether they used marijuana-derived CBD or Read More…

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Two New Bills Quietly Slipping Through Congress That Will Give Big Pharma Unlimited Power & Zero Accountability

If you’re hurt by a pharmaceutical, you can sue the company that made the drug, and be compensated for your losses, right? Most people assume that is the way the justice system works, but the reality is that it’s difficult, and in many cases impossible, for victims of pharmaceutical companies (and other big corporations/industries) to Read More…

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U.S. Taxpayers Fund Heroin Vaccine, Despite U.S. Government Being The Biggest Heroin Dealer

Many of us just pay our taxes on a yearly basis and have absolutely no idea where they’re going. Are they funding new medical research? War? The elite’s agenda? The reality is that your taxpayers’ dollars support all of these things and more, despite the fact that you may not knowingly support them yourself. A recent Read More…

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CIA Mind Control Morphed Into Psychiatry?

Here is a new introduction to a piece I wrote several years ago. Then I’ll reprint the piece. The famous CIA mind-control program, MKULTRA, always used psychiatrists; often these professionals headed up projects; they carried out the bulk of the research. But what I’m talking about here is the “evolution” of MKULTRA into mainstream psychiatry Read More…

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10 Colossal False Health Claims Made By Big Pharma & Mainstream Media

It’s no secret that Big Pharma is fueled by profit, often putting business interests ahead of patients’ lives and well-being. And North American culture practically worships the pharmaceutical industry, failing to recognize many of the issues within it. Many Americans are completely unaware that new prescription drugs have a 1 in 5 chance of causing serious reactions, even after being approved, Read More…