A Free-Thinker – someone whose mind is not bound by any chain, free to explore the great abyss unhindered by fear, emotion, or ideology. In reality, it is outside the box free-thinkers, who are the engines of social change and ingenuity, often leading society into new directions not yet seen before. They represent a voice of Read More…
Tag: Paradigm
Not Everything Is Controlled From Above: That’s The Wrong Paradigm
There is a positive and negative version of the “total manipulation” paradigm. On the negative side, secret societies and giant corporations and bankers dominate world events to such a degree, resistance is futile. Nothing can be done. And since nothing can be done, individual freedom is useless. On the positive side (if you can call Read More…
Walking Righteous In A Land Of Deception
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke Today’s world is one of mercilessly cutthroat ambition, where typically the strong thrive while the meek take a back seat and wither in the dust of the preemptive go-getters. It is commonly said that, “nice guys finish last,” and unfortunately Read More…
Don’t Ask for Freedom – Live It!
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus That quote pretty much sums it up, at least on one level. What’s fundamentally dystopic is that humanity petitions others for their freedom, as if it’s something to Read More…
7 Discoveries That Would Transform What It Means To Be Human
What does it mean to be human? It’s a difficult question to answer. There are so many things which set us apart from one another, yet more still which bind us together, and I think we could all benefit from focusing more on what we share than what we do not. Our differences are important, as they Read More…
Getting a Grip on Letting Go
This might sound contradictory or counter intuitive but it’s not. Many are being faced with serious personal challenges and decisions right now on top of this backdrop of the ongoing global crackdown and diminishing realm of harmony and supply. The building maelstrom around us only picks up speed as we attempt to go about our Read More…