Remember when WHO officials said the particles of radioactive fallout making their way to the United States following the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan were no big deal? Following the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan – which left Japanese residents contending with toxic water and radioactive Read More…
Tag: organic
Nicotine Shown to Prevent Neuro-Degenerative Disorders
Published in the Journal of Toxicology in September of this year, researchers at Texas A&M University have gathered more material regarding the contradicting benefits that the nicotine of tobacco smoke has for human longevity. This is certainly not a recommendation for anyone to start smoking tobacco, but the reality here is that tobacco was never Read More…
Organic Rice Yields Debunk Myth GMOs Are Needed to Feed the World
In India’s poorest state, farmers are setting world-breaking records growing rice and other staple foods, without the help of genetically modified organisms, and none of Monsanto’s billion-dollar herbicides. With the biotech industry claiming that the world can only be fed with heavily-doused herbicidal crops coming from genetically modified seed, it’s astonishing to see a region Read More…
Why You Should Grow Your Own Organic Tobacco
Let’s make it abundantly clear that this article is not advocating that anyone rush to buy some organic tobacco upon reading, but rather, more aptly, it’s meant to clear the air and settle some of the overzealous anti-tobacco campaigns that say things like “Make Smoking History” by implying that it should be completely eradicated. So Read More…
The Complete History Of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation”
Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of destruction, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people. As true champions of evil, they won’t stop Read More…
GMOs: Labeled or Banned?
Americans are becoming increasingly concerned about the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in their food, and with good reason. Environmental concerns over the corporate “mono culture farming” methods used to produce these foods, as well as a potential increase in allergic reactions, are causing some to second guess their shopping choices. As a result Read More…