Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced New York financier who served 13 months in prison for soliciting an underaged girl for prostitution, has served his time, and despite all of the negative press surrounding his “Lolita Express” and the many celebrities and politicians – including former President Bill Clinton and disgraced actor Kevin Spacey – who have reportedly traveled Read More…
Tag: Mueller
MSM Is Like Big Pharma: The Rewards Of Malpractice Outweigh The Penalties
“As part of the plea bargain, Purdue agreed to pay the federal government $600 million and 27 states $20 million. The three executives agreed to $34.5 million in fines but avoided jail-time. By contrast, Purdue has earned an estimated $31 billion in total revenues from extended-release oxycodone since its launch. Rather than deterring fraudulent marketing, Read More…
Post-MidTerm Democrats Raise Jeff Sessions To The Level Of A Mueller-Style “Hero”
Coverage of the Mueller probe and the closely related “Russiagate” controversy has been central to the Democrats’ strategy of casting themselves as the antithesis to Trump. WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Trump’s post-midterm election decision to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions has predictably resulted in mass protests in cities throughout the country due to fears that Sessions’ removal from Read More…
The Mueller Indictments And The Trump-Putin Summit: Triumph Of The Deep State?
The term “deep state” has been so over-used in the past few years that it may seem meaningless. It has become standard practice to label one’s political adversaries as representing the “deep state” as a way of avoiding the defense of one’s positions. President Trump has often blamed the “deep state” for his political troubles. Read More…
Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court, Mueller Scrambles
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg. Mueller asked a Washington federal Judge for a protective order that would prevent the delivery of copious evidence to lawyers for Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, Read More…
James Comey Says Deep State Doesn’t Exist, Then Describes The Deep State’s Existence
Former FBI director James Comey, who was fired, said during a question-and-answer session that there is no deep state right before describing the existence of the deep state perfectly. He simply called it a “deep culture” instead. The context, as reported by Twitchy, was a question about what would happen if Trump were to fire special Read More…