The US Environmental Protection Agency has approved the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in 20 US states and Washington D.C – what are the implications of this mass experiment? In early November the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the use of mosquitoes which have been genetically engineered to carry a common bacterium designed to kill Read More…
Tag: Mosquitoes
Zika Psyop To Justify Releasing Millions Of Bill Gates’ GM Mosquitoes In Florida
Classic Hegelian dialectic: we are seeing a ridiculous level of fearmongering over what has predominantly been a benign virus for decades right on cue to justify the proposed “emergency” release of millions of billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates’ $20 million genetically modified mosquitoes on a strongly opposed public in what will essentially be a giant science Read More…
Florida To Spray Residents Like Bugs Over Zika — With A Chemical That Ironically Reduces Fetal Brain Size In Studies
The Zika psyop continues… An aerial insecticide spraying campaign began at dawn this morning in Florida to kill mosquitoes that might be infected with the Zika virus. The spray will cover a 10-mile area in Miami. Health officials claim that the chemical to be sprayed, an organophosphate neurotoxin called Naled, is “safe” to breathe and Read More…
The Zika Virus and Mosquitoes: Origin Versus Outcome
The World Health Organization has declared Zika virus a global health emergency of international concern, which is only the fourth time in history such a declaration has been made. It’s projected that the virus could infect up to 4 million people this year, and scientists estimate as many as 1.5 million people could already be infected. It can be a difficult Read More…