Soon after 17 people were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018, a group known as Never Again MSD emerged on social media. The group’s Facebook page, for instance, ‘run by survivors of the Stoneman Douglas shooting,’ was surprisingly up and running the following day, February 15, complete with the popular #NeverAgain. Read More…
Tag: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Google Caught Red-Handed Censoring Search Results Asking Questions About Parkland Shooting
When searching for terms that challenged the official narrative of the Parkland shooting, the results on Google varied drastically, compared to other search engines. (TFTP) Google may be the world’s most popular search engine, but it has also been the subject of a number of accusations in recent years that it is purposefully censoring searches Read More…
Surveillance Video Released Of Parkland Shooting—Does Not Show Shooter
More than 27 minutes of surveillance footage has been released from security cameras at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, for the purpose of showing former deputy Scot Peterson standing outside of the building, while students and teachers were murdered inside. In response to the actions of the armed school resource officer, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said the Read More…
Big Pharma Paid Millions In Secret Settlements After Antidepressants Linked To Mass Murder
Major pharmaceutical companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars covering up lawsuits over suicides and mass murders caused by popular antidepressants. (TFTP) Every time there are reports of a mass shooting, there are a number of people who automatically question whether the suspect had mental health issues or was taking prescription medications such as Read More…
After FBI Let FL Shooting Happen, Media Now Praising Them For Arming Mentally Ill Man In Fake Attack
While the mainstream media fails to hold the FBI accountable for its role in the Parkland shooting, it celebrates the FBI for preventing a terror attack initiated by its informants. (TFTP) In the days after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, it became painfully clear that the suspected shooter had given both the FBI and Read More…
It Is Always, Always, ALWAYS Okay To Question Official Narratives
On the fifth of April, 2017, CNN staged a fake, scripted interview featuring a seven year-old Syrian girl sounding out pro-regime change talking points syllable-by-syllable using concepts that she could not possibly understand. CNN host Alisyn Camerota was asking the child questions throughout the performance, which means that Camerota necessarily had the other half of Read More…