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U.S.-Backed Rebels Enter Raqqa, Division Of Syria To Be Pushed After Victory

As U.S.-backed forces enter the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, a plan to divide Syria along sectarian lines is coming to fruition. The plan is not unlike those previously used by the U.S. to divide and conquer other countries in order to exploit their natural resources and strategic value. In what some speculate may be the Read More…

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US, Israel, And Saudi Arabia Planned Overthrow Of Syrian Government In 2006

Cables reveal that before the beginning of the Syrian revolt and civil war, the United States hoped to overthrow Assad and create strife between Shiite and Sunni Muslims. Speaking from Ecuador’s embassy in London, Julian Assange revealed that the United States planned to overthrow the Syrian government as far back as 2006, several years before Read More…

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Iran Says London Attacks Are “Wake-Up Call” For West, Urges Funding Crackdown

In what we are sure many will see as the most ironic headline of the day, Reuters reports Iran said on Sunday the London attacks were a “wake-up call” and urged Western states to go after ideological and financial sources of terrorism, state media reported, in a thinly veiled reference to Saudi Arabia. Having been Read More…

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The Israeli Plan To Capitalize On Syria’s Civil War

Israel has revealed a new plan to help rebuild war-torn Syria – with the ultimate goal of securing massive stores of natural resources. The plan would rely on significant investment from the U.S., a financial burden that will likely fall hardest on the shoulders of the American public. When the United States or any other Read More…

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Israel’s Yinon Plan, Saudi Wahhabism & US Wars: Arab Christians Pushed Into Mass Exodus

“The real danger lies in whether the Christian world loses the last early Christians…the last ancient souls of the earth.” Such is the dire prediction by one writer regarding the ongoing exodus of Arab Christians from the Middle East – an exodus triggered by Western neo-colonialism and Zionist expansion that suits the military-industrial complex. In Read More…

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ISIS ‘Apologized’ To Israel Over Gun Battle

If anyone ever needed proof that ISIS and Israel are not enemies and actually have very common goals and interests, look no further than the words of Israel’s former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon. “There was one case recently where Daesh [the Arabic acronym of ISIS] opened fire and apologized,” Ya’alon said at an event in the Read More…