Last week, the SAA discovered a large ammo depot of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the town of Jubata al-Khashab in al-Quneitra during a similar search operation. On September 5, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) uncovered several weapons caches, which had been left behind by militants, during a search operation in the southern al-Quneitra countryside, Read More…
Tag: Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham
In Rare Meeting, Russia Delivers Intel To US Officials Showing “Planned Chemical Provocation” In Syria
Russia says that its diplomats in Washington formally reached out to US officials and have briefed them on an impending plan by al-Qaeda insurgents in Idlib to stage a false flag chemical attack in order to provoke a Western military attack on Damascus. This week Moscow has claimed to be in possession of firm intelligence that it Read More…
Something Big Is Coming To Syria Amid Warnings Of New Chemical Attack
It now appears the US stands ready to respond militarily to even the most unlikely and flimsiest of accusations. We warned previously that something big is coming in Syria as the final showdown for al-Qaeda held Idlib looms with the Syrian Army and Russian aerial and naval forces taking position. Pentagon and US officials continue pushing the gambit, setting the Read More…
US, France, UK: New Threats Against Assad, Accuse Syrian Government Of Chemical Attacks Against Civilians
Militant groups are constantly violating the ceasefire regime in the Idlib de-escalation zone, the Russian Centre for Reconciliation said in a statement on August 21. According to the statement, the ceasefire were violated in at least 17 villages and settlements in western Aleppo, northern Latakia and northern Hama. The Center also said that Hayat Tahrir Read More…
UK Finally Ditches “Moderate Rebels” Ahead Of Syrian Army Advance On Idlib
CNN warns that Syrian and Russian forces are closing in on the “last rebel stronghold” in Syria while characteristically failing to inform its readers that the “rebel” coalition in control of the northwest pocket of Idlib is but the latest incarnation of al-Qaeda, calling itself Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. With the final major battle looming which could mark the ultimate Read More…
State Dept. Says Syrian Al-Qaeda are Not Terrorists, Can Keep Receiving CIA Supplies
Al-Qaeda — the original Enemy Number One and primary target of the War on Terror — has again received a green light to continue terrorizing civilians, after a transformation in name, alone, allowed its removal from the West’s official list of terrorist groups. In lockstep with the United States, Canada has now failed to list Hay’at Tahrir Read More…