Originally posted 11/15 On The Last American Vagabond With all the speculation surrounding the Clintons, and the allegations that they are intimately tied to a massive pedophilia ring interconnected with occult practices, The Last American Vagabond wanted to present the following case studies to show that the idea of a massive pedophilia ring at the highest levels of power is Read More…
Tag: abuse
‘Kids Sacrificed, Abusers Protected’: USA Olympic Dr. Pleads Guilty To Massive Child Rape Scandal
The doctor at the center of a child sex abuse scandal involving 125 victims within the USA Gymnastics Program has pleaded guilty molesting multiple girls. (TFTP) A massive case involving over a hundred women and girls is shining a light on the horrid sexual abuse and cover-up taking place within the USA Gymnastics program. For Read More…
Massive Int’l Network of 87,000 Pedophiles Dismantled — American Mass Media Silent
Berlin — The largely unrecognized global pandemic of child pornography has once again been thrust into the glare of the public spotlight after a massive child porn network with over 87,000 members was dismantled by German police. A web platform called “Elysium” was utilized by the pedophile network, which existed since the end of 2016 Read More…
DNC Lawsuit Attorneys Fear For Their Lives, Call For Court Protection, Citing Multiple Suspicious Deaths
Founder and plaintiff in the DNC election rigging/fraud lawsuit asks the courts for special physical protection amid numerous mysterious deaths of individuals connected to the lawsuit against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC. While the rest of the United States seems fixated on this week’s Senate hearing testimony of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions (to discuss Read More…
Michigan Cops Can Legally Have Sex with Human Trafficking Victims During Investigations … Seriously
Michigan — As 14 states draft up bills to grant privileged status to police officers with Blue Lives Matter laws, one state, in particular, is magnitudes worse in regards to the atrocities their cops can legally commit. In Michigan, police are granted immunity from prosecution if they have sex with a prostitute or a sex trafficking victim Read More…
Why Is Pizzagate Considered So Far-fetched? Proven Pedophilia Disgustingly Widespread Among Those In Power
Why is it so hard to believe politicians in Washington wouldn’t be delving into the disgusting realms of pedophilia? The Pizzagate investigation caused quite a controversy in late 2016, but as we embark into 2017, the idea of those in power participating in this gruesome habit is not far-fetched at all. In fact, as we will Read More…