Finance Business Economy Top News

Irrational Exuberance in US Stock Market Grasps at 20K for Dow

Since Trump’s election, the US stock market has climbed unstoppably along a remarkably steep path to round off at a teetering height. Is this the irrational exuberance that typically marks the last push before a perilous plunge, or is the market reaching escape velocity from the relentless gravity of the Great Recession? This burst of enthusiasm in response to Trump’s victory, flew in the Read More…

Project Veritas
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Rigging the Election – Project Veritas Video IV: Chasing The Money

In yet another profound release by Project Veritas Action, it is revealed that the extent to which the Clinton campaign will go to win clearly has no bounds, and zero moral and ethical restrictions: “…Brad and Bob and Lux and myself, are all part of the old-school method where is doesn’t matter what the frickin’ Read More…