Join us on today’s episode of The Pirate Stream – Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new platform of dedicated content creators focused on circumventing the tightly controlled, manipulated, and outright censored media space of today (both corporate and independent media) with a commitment to objectivity, integrity, and a stark awareness of the two party illusion. The Pirate Stream, is our flagship podcast.
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Congratulations Courtenay, on all fronts.
The Network State you speak of is already a very real thing, but the only way to define it is with the tools of complex systems you mentioned. Hopefully some will take interest and become proficient in Agent Based Modelling techniques. I think you gotta be on the spectrum and savante to really get a handle on it. But alas, the only tool capable of acting on the network in a meaningful way is IBM Watson running on True North architecture (thanks DARPA).
It’s about time! At least you are getting close to the answers. Here’s what you need to know about Luciferianism. How it all works and why. Ryan, I did give you Morals and Dogma and based on some of your recent but previous remarks like “Ordo ae Chao” order out of chaos, leads me to believe that at least, you’ve read some of it. Here’s how it works. It is intended to break the mind of a child. To cause enough trauma to the child that the mind breaks. The child, who cannot fight back, has no alternative to accept it’s dogma, meaning teachings. It’s brainwashing! Trauma based mind control or MK Ultra. Like Patty Hurst, you will believe that you are in love with the ones that have committed these atrocities against you. The horrific memory of the event is suppressed into the subconscious which leads to a whole of host of psychoses, learning disabilities, emotional and social problems, etc. But the victim is being controlled and that’s the objective. Order out of chaos equals control! That’s the name of the game because control is the power. Please contact me. I can shed a lot more light unto the subject matter but it is brainwashing!
That’s where this lady is WRONG! She says “Biblically speaking, neither one can force their will on you” but that is 100% WRONG! because that’s exactly how it works! The power of influence, is done by the power of suggestion. Today, we know this as hypnosis. It is with hypnosis, that you can make get his gun and go shoot up some public square, you can cause an INNOCENT TO SIN! For that, and according to the Luciferian doctrine, YOU ARE REWARDED! I CAN EXPLAIN IN DETAIL THE TACTICS OF HOW THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED. PLEASE CONTACT ME! or home (631)277-9266
The power of influence or the power of suggestion, is done with a whisper from BEHIND! The unsuspecting victim is completely unaware of what is being done to him or her and will follow the command without being conscientiously aware of it. The victim will have no memory of the event, nor will they be aware of the actions they have just committed. In the NAB version of the bible and in the book of wisdom, it states “Therefore guard against profitless grumbling,
and from calumny[e] withhold your tongues;
For a stealthy utterance will not go unpunished,
and a lying mouth destroys the soul.” The devil, does exactly that!
Understand, as in Morals and Dogma, that it is a hierarchy. Morals and dogma takes you through the first 33 steps. But there are 15 levels above the 33rd degree and the all-seeing eye of Lucifer above that. All you have to do is look at the back of a dollar bill to see that. I can help! I can explain it all to you. Please contact me.
The problem with the scientific experimentations that have been happening ever since the Manhattan project is, there is are no controls for much of what they are now playing with. They are using our planet and us a guinea pigs. Since we do not have an identical Planet Earth where these planetary experiments are not being performed. We do not have Humans who have not been exposed to these planetary impacts/changes which have been changed drastically due to man’s inteventions, intervention in areas they clearly do not fully understand nor the potential repercussions. Our Planet’s weather has been fucked with, our Planets vibrations and electromagnetic frequencies have been fucked with. The natural lifeforms of the planet and mankind have been exposed to newly manmade chemical combinations and now they are messing at the genome level of plants animals and humans. There are no controls for the species that are being effected. All species exposed because theses “experiments” poliferate on a planetry scale. All these forms of scientific experimentation on us like some monkey taking apart a machine that it could never put back together again. This kind of monkey brained experimentation with our genomes, with nano tech, and our electromagnetic bodies and brains, as if God’s creation was something they could adapt/ figure out/ and control. Add the new layer of AI being used to make the decisions, even on what the genome changes should be. Talk about the Tower of Babel. This sounds like our future will be a Planet that has been royally man made fucked with – and later AI fucked with. A digital gulag, housing chemically altered, electromagnetically altered and genome altered life forms. And there has been no control to reverse these “scientists’ ” hubris. It’s time for another cataclysm, before this playing God shit becomes irreversible.
Dear Chuck, although things are on the face of it looking bad, it does not warrant advocating for cataclysm, that’s the job of pure ignorance. This planet can be fixed, starting with the minds of each and every one of us. Now go and get your neural implant like a good little man. Alternatively, just open your mind to greater possibilities than devastation. Seriously, like a child who doesn’t like how a board game is playing out so shakes the board to f*ck up all the pieces. There are good people engaging good things, any call for Armageddon is in support of the not so good people.